
الجنوب العراقي و کوردستان: کلام في الوجد و الانسان

قراؤنا من مستخدمي تويتر
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

(1 ـ 3)
ليس هناك شئ في الحياة بإمکانه أن يضاهي عملية إختمار الوعي في مراحله الاولية و تأثيرها على المحتوى الداخلي للشخصية، ومامن شك أن تناول أي موضوع له علاقة بهذه المسألة، سيکون موضوع ذو شجون وله وقع خاص في عمق الروح و الوجدان. وان علاقتي بالجنوب العراقي و ذکرياتي المختلفة في مدنها المختلفة، تدخل ضمن السياق الذي أنا بصدده منذ بداية مقالنا هذا.
في مدينة السليمانية، في بداية عقد السبعينيات، حيث کان المد اليساري الشيوعي في اوجه، وکان قلما تجد مثقفا عراقيا لم يصبطغ بالفکر المارکسي، کان هنالك في هذه المدينة التي أشتهرت بمقارعتها للنظم المستبدة مجاميع من الشبان العراقيين المثقفين الذين کانوا يدرسون في جامعة السليمانية، وللأمانة فإن جلهم کانوا من الطائفة الشيعية و الاهم من ذلك أن معظمهم کانوا يحملون فکرا مارکسيا، حتى انني أتذکر جيدا مرة عندما خاطبت الناقد الکبير الراحل عبدالجبار عباس:(ماهي العلاقة بين التشيع و الشيوعية؟)والغريب أن الناقد الراحل إبتسم إبتسامة عريضة ثم أطلق ضحکة قوية وأجابني بکلمات لست أنساها عندما قال:(هي نفس العلاقة التي بين الکوردي و بندقية البرنو)!
في تلك الايام وتحديدا في أعوام 1975 و 1976و 1977و 1978من الالفية الماضية، حيث کانت تجمعني علاقة قويـة بمجموعة من الکتاب و الشعراء الکورد الشباب، وطبعا کنا کلنا يساريين، ولکي نثبت خصوصيتنا و نعلن إستقلاليتنا عن الآخرين، لم نکن نجلس في مقهى(مام علي)الذي کان يضم فنانين و کتابا و شعراء کبار مثل أحمد سالار و المرحومين عثمان جيوار و کمال صابر و الشاعر و المثقف البارز الشهيد دلشاد مريواني(الذي أعدمه النظام البعثي المقبور)، و رؤوف حسن و شيرکو بيکهzwnj;س و فؤاد مجيد مصري و غيرهم، حددنا لجلوسنا مقهى آخر کان يسمى بمقهى(القلعهzwnj; دزيين)نسبة لمدينة قلعةدزهzwnj;، وفي ذلك المقهى تعرفنا على لفيف من الشبان(الشيعة ـ الشيوعيين)، وکانوا من الناصرية و البصرة و السماوة و العمارهzwnj; وکذلك من مدن الفرات الاوسط، ونشأت بيننا علاقة وثيقة رغم ان العديد من أصدقائي الکورد لم يکونوا يجيدوا العربية بطلاقة وکان هنالك فقط الشاعر و المثقف الکوردي المعروف کوران مريواني من القلة الذي يجيد اللغة العربية أما بالنسبة لي فإنني وکما يعرفني معظم معارفي و أصدقائي(ولأن طفولتي قضيتها معظمها في بغداد) کنت أجيد العربية بطلاقة ولأجل ذلك فقد ربطتني بهؤلاء المثقفين العرب من دون البقية بعلاقة إستثنائية، تمخضت عن قيامي بسلسلة سفرات خاصة لمدن الناصرية و سوق الشيوخ و الجبايش و البصرة و الشطرة و الشامية و أبو صخير و العماره، وأتذکر جيدا کيف أنني تعلقت بالاهوار سيما في الناصرية و العمارهzwnj; وکنت عندما أرى أي طائر بين الاهوار(التي دمرها النظام البعثي الارعن) دوما أردد شعر الکبير مظفر النواب(حمد و معاشر الکارور و بشوش السحر و الکنبرهzwnj; السمرهzwnj; الزغيرهzwnj;) وهي أسماء طيور باللغة الدارجة هناك، کما عندما کنت أرى المشحوف(وهو قارب تشتهر به منطقة الاهوار)، کنت أردد أيضا قول النواب:(الهور و هلال المزفت) حيث کان أصحاب المشاحيف يقومون بتدهين قعر تلك القوارب بمادة اسفلتية، حفاظا عليها وأتذکر کيف انني کنت أذوب وجدا في مشاهد ذلك البلام الذي يقود مشحوفه بعصا طويلة و کثيرا ماکان البعض منهم يمازحني عندما يعلم أنني کورديا بقوله(دفعة مردي و عصاة کوردي)وللأسف لاأدري لماذا لم أسأل وقتها عن معنى هذا القول الذي يبدو أنه قد ذهب مثلا وأجهل لحد الآن القصد منه، کما أتذکر جيدا مرة في العمارهzwnj; کيف أن امرأة متقدمة في العمر خاطبتني"وهي مبتسمة":(طرکاعة اللفت برزان بيس بأهل العمارهzwnj;) في إشارة للجنود العراقيين الذين کانوا يقتلون في کوردستان أيام النظم العراقية المتعاقبة و کدليل على الطابع و الماهية العرقية ـ الطائفية للنظم العراقية المتعاقبة من بعد إنقلاب 14 تموز الذي أطاح بالنظام الملکي الديمقراطي في العراق، فإن الغالبية الجنود العراقيين الذين کانوا يرسلون الى کوردستان للحرب ضد الشعب الکوردي، کانوا يتکونوا من الشيعة ويبدو أنه کان هنالك zwnj;هدف محدد واضح من وراء ذلك.
في تلك الايام، ومن بين اولئك الاصدقاء العرب، أتذکر کان هنالك مثقف من الجبايش اسمه عبدالکريم رسن وکانت علاقتي به وثيقة لدرجة کبيرة جدا حتى أننا قد قضينا أياما و ليال طويلة في بيتينا، وفي احدى المرات التي زرته فيها وبقيت هناك لمدة أکثر من أسبوعين، اسمعني ولأول مرهzwnj; شريطا مسجلا لشاعر العراق الکبير مظفر النواب وهو يقرأ فيها بصوته قصيدة(وتريات ليلية)المشهورة والتي من فرط کثرة إستماعي لها صاحت بي والدته: انت جاي عدنهzwnj; لو عند مظفر؟ وفي تلك القصيدة التي يديف فيها مظفر البعد الطائفي بالبعد الفکري سيما عندما يقول:
(أنبيك عليا!

ما زلنا نتوضأ بالذل ونمسح بالخرقة حد السيف

ما زلنا نتحجج بالبرد وحر الصيف

ما زالت عورة بن العاص معاصرة

وتقبح وجه التاريخ

ما زال كتاب الله يعلق بالرمح العربية!

ما زال أبو سفيان بلحيته الصفراء,

يؤلب باسم اللات

العصبيات القبلية

ما زالت شورى التجار ترى عثمان خليفتها

وتراك زعيم السوقية!

لو جئت اليوم

لحاربك الداعون إليك

وسموك شيوعيا)
يومها، سألت عبدالکريم عن علي ابن ابي طالب و سبب تعلق النواب به، ورغم أن صديقي حاول أن يشرح لي الامر بصورة مبدئية، غير أن المنطق الطائفي کان يغلب على حديثه سيما عندما کان يشارك والده في الکلام و يطرح مظلومية الشيعة عبر التأريخ. واتذکر جيدا کيف أن عبدالکريم قد أعطاني أحد أجزاء "شرح نهج البلاغة"لأبن أبي الحديد المعتزلي حيث کانت فيها العديد من المعلومات التأريخية عن تلك المرحلة التي نشأت فيها الشيعة وقد شدني الکتاب إليه بقوة حتى إنني لم أملك نفسي أن ابتعت أجزائه العشرون من مکتبة النهضة ببغداد وکان هذا الامر بمثابة هزة قوية في بنياني الفکري سيما حينما تعرفت عن کثب على الامام علي ابن ابي طالب و تعمقت فيه من خلال درر کلامه التي سيظل سحرها في وجداني طيلة حياتي وللحديث صلة.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
kurd-arab states
shirwan -

We kurds should understand that it impossible to gain our right from arabs simply not because we hate arabs or arab hate us,No it is not case, the reason is that arabs citizins themselves are imprisoned by thier bloody states, and arabs citizines need to be released as much as we kurds,,so i think the two-state solution; kurdish state and arabic state side by side is the fair solution and there is a need to have two democratic constitutional kurdish and arabic states which grant thier citizins thier full right

الكردي والمردي
علي الميالي \ هولندا -

عزيزي الكاتب شكرا لهذا المقال الوجداني الجميل الذي يثبت اخوة العراقيين مهما حاول بعض الكتاب المرتزقة تشويهها ومن قبلهم اراد البعث المقبور تدميرها.عندما يقول شخص لشخص دفعة مردي بعصٌاة كردي يعني اذهب ولاتعود كناية عن دفع المردي (البلم او الزورق) بعصاة طويلة وقوية كعصاة الاخوة الاكراد فان البلم يسير لمسافة بعيدة.

Human -

I thing Nazar wrote a good article, today we need this opinion its necessary to understand the other so thanks alot for jaff

الخوه الاكراد الكرام
خير الكلام.... -

لقد نسي الاخ الكاتب الكبير حقيقه تاريخيه نساه او تناساها اكراما لاسياده واولياء نعمته او قد يكوون حقده الدفين الواضح من كتابة مقالته .ان الشيعه اخي العزيز لم يكونو شيوعييين في ذلك الوقت فقط بل ان الكثير منهم وفي جامعتك الموقره ايضا من يحمل الفكر البعثي القومي المجييد والذي يحمله الكثيير من الاكراد العراقيين الشرفاء فقط. وان القيل من الشيعه من يحمل الفكر الشيوعي وقد تحولو جميهم الى الفكر الدعوجي وليس الاغلبيه كما تدعي. الاغلبيه هم مستقلون.والرد على الاخ العزيز نشوان الذي يترفع عن الكتابه باللغة العربية لان نفسه المريضة تمنعه من ذلك اقول والحمد لله ان الباري عز وجل لن يقبل منك صلاة ولا قراءة قران (ان كنت مسلما)الا بهذه اللغة شئت ام ابيت .اخيرا اقول ان من امثال الاخويين اعلاه قليل جدابل المنتفعون فقط.وان الاكثريه من ابناء شعبتا الكردي الابي هم عراقيون.

المعلق رقم 1
Realism -

Several times I hear from Kurds about establishing Kurdish state...what annoys me is not what they want but how unrealistic the idea is...Do you think Turkey, Iran and Syria will accept that!!!...They''ll immediately invade any autonomous Kurdish region and will crush it within hours...I just ask the few Kurds (who call for independent state and many of them live out of Iraq or the Iraqi region of Kurdistan) to think again about the consequence of such a step and to think more about the innocent civilians that will be affected by such a move...Don''t you think the normal Kurdish civilian had spilled so much blood for the sake of the dreams of other Kurds who do not even live with them or suffered what normal Kurd are suffering

To REalism
dance lover -

First we kurds dont recognize the artificial borders which divided a nation as big as UK or Germany, After all, who will decide our fate in establishing our kurdistan state is us not you people, and while you day by night cry for a murder of palastinian kid and begging USA and Israel to grant youre palastinians a seperate land and at the same time calling for assimilation of a nation whithin youre racist nation, is that youre fair solution???why arabs, turks and persians should have thier states and not the kurds?? isnt that a double hypocrasy you who call for brotherhood under the banner of pan-arabism islamism and turkish nazism and iranian extreme racism,,We made our choice by seperation, and either you like it or not we will prevail and we already established our state in our heart and our mind and we teach our ggenerations to come to establlish that holly dream on real kurdistan soil, and sooner you will be blinded by the sun of the kurdish state, i promise you, and it is better for you , dear friend to accept that fact without having further blood shed and more destruction because no matter you accept or not we are ready to die by milions for kurdistan state, and dont be mislead by talabani and barzani irakism cry because both of them will diseapeare from kurdish political scene in year to come, and the new nationalist kurdish generation are more die hard for kurdistan state cause, and about what would happine if we declare independence, i will tell you , dear friend, that nothing would happine and i will assure you that nothing worse happine than what happined during anfal and genocide and chemical campaign,, and about turky, be sure, turky now is like an old sick man cant move against us because it already surrendered to PKK will to grant its kurdish people the autonomy and the independence movement will follow that in the next ten years and be sure iran and syria cant do any thing because they have so much to do with the resistance which is grwoing from thi

NO 5
Rizgar -

Do you really think if Turkey could occupy Kurdistan, they will wait!!!! Check Turkish ‘News, how they suffering from a few hundred Kurdish guerrilla soldiers, How about few hundred thousands????Do you think if Maliky had enough power, he would hesitate of genocide Kurds? I will let you know , Saddam was less racist than Maliky, those mentioned artificial racist states existence based on NATO, Americas and Israeli support , One day when the interests of NATO and Israel is against Turkey, same day Turkish generals have to run away like Arabic generals in South Kurdistan. Kurdistan is not the only occupied country in history (Algeria 300 years, Suriname, 300 years) . Many Kurds believe that announce a Kurdish state is the best alternative, no reason to be afraid? More than chemicals, what they are going to use? Chemicals, poison, gases? Anything else? Arabs, Turks and Iranian used everything and didn’t manage to vanish Kurdish flag, it is waving over South Kurdistan and soon will wave over greater Kurdistan, it is a matter of time.

Your imaginary state
عراقي -

You have all the right to dream, but when you cannot achieve it it''s better off keeping it inside you. Initially, your take for the issue is very emotional and ignoring all the social, geopolitical, economic and political facts of Iraq and the region. When a state is established, it should be accepted by neighboring nations first, the superpowers second and the international community third, or it will be doomed. Now based on the condition of your"Kurdistan" all Iraq''s neighbors are against it. Keeping in mind these neighbors are big countries and have essential role in the regional and international political posture. Also, we can say there is a tacit consensus among the main nuclear and strong countries on keeping the current map of the Middle East as it is or their interests will be severely harmed. We conclude that making a Kurdish state is IMPOSSIBLE. I think that was the Kurdish wish since 1940s but they couldn''t achieve and will not achieve it...About your accusation of racism , this is one of the typical trends in of Kurds'' answers, when they lose at any discussion. Why don''t you see how Kurds discriminate the communities that live within Kurdish areas (Christians, Ezidies, Shabak), and recently Kurds started killing them by car bombs, just because they say we don''t want to submit to Kurds'' wishes. This is the real racism, extremism and NazismFinally, not only Kurds were killed by Saddam or former regimes but all other Iraqi components that opposed them

To Iraki
dance lover -

for youre little information, we are practicaly independence in kurdistan and we are fully recognized by international community and hope you had time to watch the covering of international media of kurdistan parliament election, and we are fully supported by most foreign powers and right now there are more than 20 foreign consulate and embassies in the kurdish capital hawler and we have our own kurdish army, our airport, our bank system, our trade and even our oil refinery fields and turks right now dealing with that fact and on diplomatic field , we are right now supported by most intellectuals and even arab friends are getting to know us better and the age of denial is gone and what is real is what you see a kurdish state in the north and it doesnt change anything if you hate that fact or not because KURDISTAN STATE exists since 1991

To Iraki
dance lover -


To Iraqi No.
Mageed -

I can see from your comments and quality of its English that you must be living in an European State or in North America. Sadly, however, despite living within the humane and democratic culture that you are living in, and presumably, have lived in for a while your Bedouin nature overcomes your nurture. Of course, the Kurds will have the view that people like you are chauvinists and racists because of a simple fact and that is that people like you are denying them their rights. For your information, the Kurds would accept to live in Iraq that is inclusive, considers all its citizens equally and democratic, but not an Iraq that consider the Kurds and other minorities second class citizens and refuses to address the historical injustices of genocide and ethnic cleansing. This is exactly like personal relations, a marriage if you like, if one side considers the other inferior they then ignore their rights and entitlements. This will never ever be a successful relationship or marriage and will inevitably end in separation. It may be rights that the geopolitical situation is not in favor of the Kurds having their state but these can change and we have very clear and recent historical events to indicate that unexpected changes can occur. But once again your dictatorial nature comes to the fore when you speak in the royal "we" when you make decisions not only on behalf of Iraqi Arabs, but also on behalf of neighboring and international countries to state categorically that a Kurdish state is IMPOSSIBLE. Just have some modesty and consider that you are merely commentating on an article and not the decision maker on behalf of the international community. Who the hell you think you are? One other matter is your accusations that the Kurds are discriminating against minorities and killing Christians. Here you clearly reveal your true ugly colors. Can you tell me if you have read the Iraqi constitution and compared it with the Kurdish one and tell me in all fairness, if

To Iraqi No.
Mageed -


Your big imagination
المحلل -

Dance lover, from your last comment(11) I realize you live out of Iraq and never visited the Iraqi region of Kurdistan where or brothers, the Kurds, live. Ask any simple person in the world about your imaginary ''Kurdistan State'' and S/he will tell you there is no Kurdish state, but a small provinces in Iraq, Turkey and Iran named by this name. I watch media every day and no one said one word of what you say. There is provincial parliament in the Iraqi region of Kurdistan and similar parliaments are on the way for all the other Iraqi provinces, according to the Iraqi constitution that admit making such a council, also there is a capital for each Iraqi province (the capital of Thi Qar is Nasiria, the capital of Maisan is Umara etc). I don''t know if you understand the difference between the words Embassy and consulate, because you considered some consulate in north of Iraq as Embassies. Keeping in mind there are consulates in many provinces all over Iraq. The Peshmarqa is a Kurdish militia and not an Army. That is what the International community considers including the US, which is supervising the re-build of the Iraqi Army. Airports exist all over Iraq not only in it''s region of Kurdistan. Arab friends want an Arab Iraq, however, we Iraqi Arabs, want an Iraq that represent all Iraqi minorities including Kurds, with keeping the Arab identity of Iraq, as the majority are Arabs. May be there are some intellectuals that support some Kurdish figures, but those writers are payed by these figures and will change their attitude as soon as the source of income drys. Go to the UN and ask about You ''Kurdihsh state'' that you acclaimed it was established in 1991, and you will be told IT DOES NOT EXIST. You need to wake up from your day dreams, and to know that politics is not a dance you might love, but it is based on facts and capabilities.

الى رقم 11
محلل -

First, when you look top down at people because of their origin or color means you are deeply inside you very racist. Look how you talked about Arabs or Bedouins. Second Bedouin, were able to establish one of the hugest empires in the history, i.e the Umaiad and Abasaide states. I never denied your right, but I concluded that the Kurdish state dream is unrealistic. The good thing is you mentioned that Kurds would accept to be part of Iraq, because it is positive for all Iraqis, and to avoid an extra disaster. I mean to avoid any other foreign invasion. Also, today''s Iraq is not the one under Saddam Hussein. I can confirm that majority of Iraqis don''t look at Kurds as a second class. There are some who believe in that, but let''s remember those "some" are the ones that benefited from Saddam Hussein (They have similar look at all other Iraqi communities and not only Kurds)...I think Iraqis today want to live in peace and care about their personal economic condition more than politics. I''m sure they are ready to cooperate and deal with everyone as a partner, and not a master and follower. At any English language discussion you can use ''We''. About the killing of minorities, the clear evidence of that is all the recent attacks are happening in areas were the current Kurdish leadership try to dominate. If you have political connections, ask about that...Unfortunately, this Kurdish leader ship keeps crying about what happened to Kurds under Saddam (I pay big respect to all lives that lost by Saddam, and wish all his supporters to be punished), but they keep using his way and implement genocides against minorities that should be accepted by them. Note: when I said Kurds I meant Kurdish leadership and those who live out of Iraq, and not the innocent civilians who live in Iraq

Logic Of Statehood
dance lover -

Ok, people, what we are doing now is discussing the future of kurdistan state!!and with respect for all who hate seeing the kurdistan state, i simply say, that all thanks for you, because without knowing youre denial logic further strenthene and support our cause and that is a simple philosophical cogito, the more denial the more affirmation may arouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanks

الى رقم 15
محلل -

Keeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep Dreaming