التأمين على القصيدة
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
سيأتي زمان تفتح فيه دكاكين للتأمين على الكلمات
وسوف تؤمن أنت على القصيدة
لأنك ستخشى عليها من الحريق
أو حوادث السير أو الاغتيال أو الانتحال
لأنك حرقت عليها دما ودمعا كثيرا
ولكنك في دواخل سرك
ستصبر على حياة القصيدة بضع سنين
ثم تقرر اغتيالها
ولكنك تحجم عن ذلك
مرتعبا من التفكير فيه
مرتعبا من أن يقول الناس انك
تحولت من شاعر إلى قاتل
ثم تبدأ بالتخطيط
وتشرك زوجتك في الخطة
تقرر أخيرا أن تقوم زوجتك
باستئجار مشعلي حرائق مأجورين
ليضرموا النار بالقصيدة
وتذهبان صباحا بعد ليلة الحريق
لتجدا القصيدة وقد استحالت أشلاء متفحمة
أين تلك النوافذ المشرعة للضوء؟
أين أبوابها التي يدخل منها الناس إلى الفردوس؟
أين الحديقة وأزهارها والفراشات؟
كل ذلك ذهب
فتذرف دمعة تسقط من عينك
فلا تسمع لها هسيسا
لأنها تسقط على رماد
ولأنها على أية حال دمعة كاذبة
لأنك في دواخل سرك
قد امتلأت غبطة
وأنت تفكر بالجنة
فلتذهب القصيدة إلى الجحيم
فستأتيك الجنة
ولا حاجة لأن تدخلها من باب
To the editor
Kamil Shrazin-ban -It is Friday and my paranoia is at highest level (code red). I would like to ask you the following question: Do readers not write anything about me and my poetry? Or, do they write alot of things but you do not show on this Page of our Elaph. I appreciate your reply very much. It is raining today. It is raining in the city. My pillow is wet. My balnket is wet. . Streets are flooded with water. I am Noah from Mesopotamia. My ship is sinking. I am drowning. Help! Thanks Elaph
To K.S
Yousif Hakeem -Why you always write in English?And why you don''t write about this poem or that, but about your self?That is why I send an eel with hey to you in order to be a wise writer!
Kamil Shrazin-ban -Finally someone mentioned me. Thanks Yousif. I wish I could write in Arabic to make my points crystal-clear. Did you say that you sent me an eel with hey? What is the eel? Do you mean the electric fish that emits electricity when some wants to touch it or catch it? I do not live under water. Or may be you mean by eel the young cow or calf and pronounced/wrote the word in Mesopotamian Arabic? Is this correct? Please help and please tell me how you sent the eel and hey so I can get them. My email : enlill2000@yahoo.com Thank you
dina -you write in English and in a very stupied why , we dont need your pul shit here, it''s a culture page - and if you dont have an Arabic office just go and ask you great English mind how to install it , I am really surprised of those who insert theiself like idiots crows here and there
To Dina and others
Kamil Shrazin-ban -I wish I could write in Arabic to make my points crystal-clear.I am shocked by what Dina did and how her offensive language is being shown on this culture page? Are you Dina? Is your last name Michael? Do I know you? Do you know my literary work? Did you say pul shit? It should be bull shit. Do you know the meaning of shit? It is means human/bovine dung! In fact, people now simply refer to bull shit as BS. Did you say idoit crow? Are you talking about that black bird, the Old World bird? Are you really talking about Edgar Allan Poe''s bird? Do you not like the voice of the crow? Have you ever heard me singing? Can I make a guess? You are Mesopotamian. How do I know that? Mesopotamians refer to things they do not like as crows. In fact, the crow was the bird who told Noah the flood was coming. I know that. I am him. Regarding me not writing in Arabic, I do not have a computer at home and I cannot install anything on this computer because it belongs to the place where I work.I am honest and serious about this. I love to write in Arabic to make my points crystal-clear. For now I am inviting you to join me to eat lentil broth made with green lizard flesh (slaughtered and processed the halal way).It is Eed(Eid). How I celebrate it? Thanks Elaph
Can we say?
Kamil Shrazin-ban -Can we say we exist? Do we really exist? Are we discernible in the the melieu? It is dark and we cannot see.We cannot touch our fingers. Can we say Mesopotamia is the homeland of almightly God? Or is God a naturalized citizen of Mesopotamia? Now you readers of this page, go translate this poem. Translate it to your language or translate it to a sign language. Leave punctuation marks as they are.Thank for your charity