
التحليقات الهزلية لنشوة أفكارنا في الصيف

قراؤنا من مستخدمي إنستجرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
تنزع زوجتي في الصيف ملابسها الداخلية
وترافقني أحياناً بتنورتها الواسعة الى شاطىء البحر.
الملابس الواسعة تشعرها براحة تامة
كل طقس جميل يجعلها تخطو صوب حافة الشمس
وصوب قناديل الرغبة.
أثناء جولات التبضع ومحاولات العثور على الخمور المهربة الرخيصة
تقول لي: { البيرة هذا النهار تنعش القلب والروح }.
اقتراحاتها ليست غريبة
وأنا أحب الاقتراحات، خصوصاً ما يتعلق منها بالشراب.
في الشارع المزدحم بالناس أطارت الريح تنورتها فظهرت مؤخرتها.
مرات كثيرة يصعب عليّ تسلق الاهرامات تحت الشمس المصرية
ويصمت غناء أحلامي في الكينونة المتنفسة لعري الأجساد الدافئة.
الطقس هذا اليوم يشبه أسرار التنجيم في العصور الوسطى
أدخل الحانة وأحاول أن أعرف ضوء مستقبلي عبر خيط الشراب
الذي يمتد من رمال الناصرية الى بحيرات السويد.
هدم رجل أعرفه أثناء رفعي لقدح البيرة متاهة أفكاري
جلس الى جانبي من دون استئذان،
وهجستُ انه يريد أن يطلعني على سرّ خطير
كانت زوجته المحجبة تقف بعيداً عن الحانة
ومعها 5 أولاد يتشابهون في كل شيء.
- رأيتك قبل أيام ومعك امرأة شقراء، أطارت الريح تنورتها
- نعم، انها زوجتي
- اللعنة. ماذا تقول؟
- مؤخرة تعرضت لعطر الشمس والريح. ينبغي أن نستمد الغفران من التحليقات الهزلية لنشوة أفكارنا في الصيف
كل رغبة تجعلنا نشعر بالامتنان للفرو الأزرق للفوضى. مالمو


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
Kamil Shrazin-ban -

I keep reading this poem and keep hoping that someone will write some comments. It is so beautiful. Here I am making comments. Please be reminded that my comments are just like poetry. In fact, they are poetry at its best. When one reads such beautiful poem, one cannot help but feel the urge of orgasim, that beautiful feeling.Why is that? I do not know. What is hidden in the dome of a red skirt? Is this a clash of modernity and digital orgasim? Is this a new era? Hail!!! Hail!!! Long live all people of the world!!. Thanks Elaph.

Kamil Shrazin-ban -

I keep reading this poem and keep hoping that someone will write some comments. It is so beautiful. Here I am making comments. Please be reminded that my comments are just like poetry. In fact, they are poetry at its best. When one reads such beautiful poem, one cannot help but feel the urge of orgasim, that beautiful feeling.Why is that? I do not know. What is hidden in the dome of a red skirt? Is this a clash of modernity and digital orgasim? Is this a new era? Hail!!! Hail!!! Long live all people of the world!!. Thanks Elaph.

I was mistaken
Kamil Shrazin-ban -

I came early to work this morning and I checked to see if Elaph had posted my comment or not. However, I did not see my comments/poetry and I was very mad at the world. How could Elaph not show my poetry? I was very mad, when I get mad I usually eat a lot of bread and drink a lot of water to help me swallow. I started doing so for three hours and I then said to myself why not check Elaph again. I did and I saw my poetry displayed for the entire Universe to see. I am happy now. Can someone call me or make an interview with me?I welcome media from right and from the left. Please help me become famous? When I become famous, I will not forget the masses. Long live Palestine. Long live god of every group of people. Let everybody pray to his/her god or do something to him. From now on I will call myself : THE POET. Kamil Shrazin-ban is THE POET.What is hidden in the dome of a red skirt? It is very sweet. It is oozing lust and sedation. I am salivating. Something is congested between my thighs. J Thanks Elaph

I was mistaken
Kamil Shrazin-ban -

I came early to work this morning and I checked to see if Elaph had posted my comment or not. However, I did not see my comments/poetry and I was very mad at the world. How could Elaph not show my poetry? I was very mad, when I get mad I usually eat a lot of bread and drink a lot of water to help me swallow. I started doing so for three hours and I then said to myself why not check Elaph again. I did and I saw my poetry displayed for the entire Universe to see. I am happy now. Can someone call me or make an interview with me?I welcome media from right and from the left. Please help me become famous? When I become famous, I will not forget the masses. Long live Palestine. Long live god of every group of people. Let everybody pray to his/her god or do something to him. From now on I will call myself : THE POET. Kamil Shrazin-ban is THE POET.What is hidden in the dome of a red skirt? It is very sweet. It is oozing lust and sedation. I am salivating. Something is congested between my thighs. J Thanks Elaph