
شل تجري محادثات مع صينيين بشأن مشروعات نفط في العراق

قراؤنا من مستخدمي إنستجرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

بكين:قالت شركة رويال داتش شل يوم الثلاثاء انها تجري محادثات مع شركات نفط حكومية صينية بشأن تقديم عروض مشتركة لمشروعات نفط في العراق.

وقالت شركة النفط البريطانية الهولندية انها تريد توسيع وجودها في قطاع التكرير وبيع الوقود في الصين والذي تسيطر عليه حاليا شركات حكومية صينية عملاقة تحرص على تعزيز احتياطياتها في الخارج.

وأدلى الرئيس التنفيذي لشل جيرون فان دير فير بذلك للصحفيين أثناء وجوده في بكين. ولم يذكر مزيدا من التفاصيل.

وشل هي ثاني أكبر شركة نفط غير حكومية في العالم من حيث القيمة السوقية وكانت تقلص أصولها في قطاعات بيع الوقود بالتجزئة في أوروبا وافريقيا مع تراجع الطلب في هذه المناطق.

ولكن الشركة تحرص على وجود أكبر في الصين ثاني أكبر مستهلك للنفط في العالم بعد أن أقامت شركة مشتركة صغيرة مع سينوبيك أكبر مصفاة صينية.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!

Mohammed Saidely -

Well , As an Iraqi i have several questions mainly at this point abt the national percentage of Iraqi people in such projects I don''t think we hv enough skilled and updated engineers either petroleum / mech., What are the MOP procedures for that? Where''s the rule of our NATIONAL OIL CORPORATION that is divided into "small un-connected companies" with ridicules namesand un systematic policies This is our Future , We damn doing the best not expected it !!