لبنان الشعارات والمهرجانات الانتخابية
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
مع بدء العد العكسي للانتخابات البرلمانية اللبنانية ، ومع ارتفاع حدة التصريحات ، وتزايد عدد المهرجانات الانتخابية المتنقلة بين منطقة واخرى ، يعيش الشعب اللبناني على ايقاع واحد فقط .. 7 حزيران .
Bilal -We have to admit that among all the campaigns, FPM or Tayyar has had the best & most creative, I don''t mean only the very famous "Sois Belle et Vote" but all the other slogans as well. Whereas the worst has been Jeajea as he looks really boring as he includes in every speech 30 minutes of using others'' campaigns and rephrasing them to fit LF...
Bilal -We have to admit that among all the campaigns, FPM or Tayyar has had the best & most creative, I don''t mean only the very famous "Sois Belle et Vote" but all the other slogans as well. Whereas the worst has been Jeajea as he looks really boring as he includes in every speech 30 minutes of using others'' campaigns and rephrasing them to fit LF...
لبنان الترهات
صفتلي -لن ترى شعب كالشعب اللبناني يتغنى بخلافاته ونزاعاته . شعب بلى حدود وطن بلى حدود سياسيين بلى حدود . عيب على شعب يرفض حزب الله
1 & 2
sas ka -it is not important who had more money to make great election slogans, the will of the people is not wit whom paid more. The lebanese people spoke, and you should listen. For number 2 I say, it is not the people who left hizballah, it is hizballah who left the people.
1 & 2
sas ka -it is not important who had more money to make great election slogans, the will of the people is not wit whom paid more. The lebanese people spoke, and you should listen. For number 2 I say, it is not the people who left hizballah, it is hizballah who left the people.