
البابا يأمل بان يعم السلام في لبنان

قرائنا من مستخدمي تلغرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

ليه كومب: اعرب البابا بنديكتوس السادس عشر الاربعاء عن امله في ان "ينمو" السلام في لبنان "وقد ارسي الآن"، وذلك خلال لقاء قصير مع الصحافيين في مقره في "ليه كومب دينترود" (ايطاليا) حيث يمضي عطلته الصيفية والذي سيغادره اليوم، وقال البابا انه خلال اقامته السابقة في هذه المنطقة الواقعة في فال داوستي (شمال ايطاليا) قبل ثلاث سنوات "كانت هناك حرب في لبنان"، في اشارة الى الحرب التي شنتها اسرائيل على حزب الله صيف 2006.

واضاف انه يأمل بان "يكون السلام صلبا وان ينمو، وقد ارسي الآن". وكان بنديكتوس السادس عشر دعا خلال تلك الحرب مرارا الى وقف فوري لاطلاق النار، واستمرت الحرب بين اسرائيل وحزب الله 34 يوما واوقعت في الجانب اللبناني اكثر من 1200 قتيل غالبيتهم من المدنيين وفي الجانب الاسرائيلي 160 قتيلا غالبيتهم من العسكريين.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
Benedictus 16.th
dr.hayek -

the pope benedictus the 16.th is following his ancestors and the last pope of being those quississin mo2minin, that are preaching peace and love in the world. His holy visit to the Jordan and Palestine has killed the war/fight/fitnah between christianity and islam, like the way the great president Obama before him has done. I think that the muslim imams/mufties from the arabic and muslim world should re-visit back the Pope to show him our common respect and our hospitality. He has made the first move and visit us, and we should in the name of arabic hospitality do that soon, and these problems between christianity and islam will be gone for a long time (or for ever)a

Benedictus 16.th
dr.hayek -

the pope benedictus the 16.th is following his ancestors and the last pope of being those quississin mo2minin, that are preaching peace and love in the world. His holy visit to the Jordan and Palestine has killed the war/fight/fitnah between christianity and islam, like the way the great president Obama before him has done. I think that the muslim imams/mufties from the arabic and muslim world should re-visit back the Pope to show him our common respect and our hospitality. He has made the first move and visit us, and we should in the name of arabic hospitality do that soon, and these problems between christianity and islam will be gone for a long time (or for ever)a

Benedictus 16.th
dr.hayek -

the pope benedictus the 16.th is following his ancestors and the last pope of being those quississin mo2minin, that are preaching peace and love in the world. His holy visit to the Jordan and Palestine has killed the war/fight/fitnah between christianity and islam, like the way the great president Obama before him has done. I think that the muslim imams/mufties from the arabic and muslim world should re-visit back the Pope to show him our common respect and our hospitality. He has made the first move and visit us, and we should in the name of arabic hospitality do that soon, and these problems between christianity and islam will be gone for a long time (or for ever)a

Benedictus 16.th
dr.hayek -

the pope benedictus the 16.th is following his ancestors and the last pope of being those quississin mo2minin, that are preaching peace and love in the world. His holy visit to the Jordan and Palestine has killed the war/fight/fitnah between christianity and islam, like the way the great president Obama before him has done. I think that the muslim imams/mufties from the arabic and muslim world should re-visit back the Pope to show him our common respect and our hospitality. He has made the first move and visit us, and we should in the name of arabic hospitality do that soon, and these problems between christianity and islam will be gone for a long time (or for ever)a