
مادونا تبني مدرسة للفتيات في مالاوي

قراؤنا من مستخدمي إنستجرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

إيلاف: تحرص الفنانة الأميركية مادونا منذ عام 2006 وبعد تبنيها لطفلين من مالاوي، على العودة دائمًا إلى هذا البلد، لشدة إعجابها به وبأهله.
فزارت مادونا وأطفالها الأربعة مالاوي الأحد الماضي، ليس لتبني طفل آخر بل لوضع حجر الأساس لمدرسة جديدة قررت مادونا بناءها على نفقتها الخاصة في مالاوي.
المدرسة ستقتصر على الفتيات وستتكلف عملية إنشائها حوالى 15 مليون دولار، ومن المقرر أن يبدأ العمل بها عام 2011.
يذكر أن هذه المدرسة قد صممت على غرار المدرسة التي أنشاتها المذيعة أوبرا وينفري في جنوب افريقيا، وتهدف الى إعطاء فرصة للفتيات في مالاوي للحصول على تعليم ذو نوعية جيدة.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
خاصة للفتيات
imad -

بدأ الغرب يدرك خطورة المدارس المختلطه والسعودية تريد ان تبدأ ما انتهى منه الغرب سبحان الله هم يتقربون من ديننا ونحن نبتعد الى عصر الجاهلية ما قبل الاسلام

to imad
asmahan -

you are right imad..that was exactly what i wanted to say.it s a pity that we r far away from our releigion.from maroc


مخالف لشروط النشر

to imad
asmahan -

you are right imad..that was exactly what i wanted to say.it s a pity that we r far away from our releigion.from maroc

To: imad
Free Spirit -

مخالف لشروط النشر

Who is she?
Jack Tannous -

Who is Madona?She is a troubled woman who was raised Catholic and then left her religion and claimed that her sinful life is just a rebelion against the devout Catholic upbringing!No she is following a certain cult. She is not Christian.Please, do not raise her as an example for our girls to follow!

To: imad
Free Spirit -

مخالف لشروط النشر

To Imad
Adel -

She wants the school to be for girls only because girls in such countries do not have the same opportunities as boys. Ikhtilat has nothing to do with it !!!

God bless
Arab American -

Madonna understood that the main reason of her existence on earth is to be helpful and share wealth with everyone who''s in need...At least, she doesn''t lose her time criticizing other people and she shares her wealth. She''s doing a lot of good and whatever her religious beliefs are, she''s worth thousand times more that fundamentalists, like some of this article commentators who are allegedly religious! She certainly deserves all the respect for what she''s doing and if all reach people on earth do like her there will be no more poverty and earth would be heaven

To Imad
Adel -

She wants the school to be for girls only because girls in such countries do not have the same opportunities as boys. Ikhtilat has nothing to do with it !!!

خاصة للفتيات
imad -

بدأ الغرب يدرك خطورة المدارس المختلطه والسعودية تريد ان تبدأ ما انتهى منه الغرب سبحان الله هم يتقربون من ديننا ونحن نبتعد الى عصر الجاهلية ما قبل الاسلام

to imad
asmahan -

you are right imad..that was exactly what i wanted to say.it s a pity that we r far away from our releigion.from maroc


مخالف لشروط النشر

To: imad
Free Spirit -

مخالف لشروط النشر


مخالف لشروط النشر

Who is she?
Jack Tannous -

Who is Madona?She is a troubled woman who was raised Catholic and then left her religion and claimed that her sinful life is just a rebelion against the devout Catholic upbringing!No she is following a certain cult. She is not Christian.Please, do not raise her as an example for our girls to follow!

Who is she?
Jack Tannous -

Who is Madona?She is a troubled woman who was raised Catholic and then left her religion and claimed that her sinful life is just a rebelion against the devout Catholic upbringing!No she is following a certain cult. She is not Christian.Please, do not raise her as an example for our girls to follow!

To Imad
Adel -

She wants the school to be for girls only because girls in such countries do not have the same opportunities as boys. Ikhtilat has nothing to do with it !!!

God bless
Arab American -

Madonna understood that the main reason of her existence on earth is to be helpful and share wealth with everyone who''s in need...At least, she doesn''t lose her time criticizing other people and she shares her wealth. She''s doing a lot of good and whatever her religious beliefs are, she''s worth thousand times more that fundamentalists, like some of this article commentators who are allegedly religious! She certainly deserves all the respect for what she''s doing and if all reach people on earth do like her there will be no more poverty and earth would be heaven

God bless
Arab American -

Madonna understood that the main reason of her existence on earth is to be helpful and share wealth with everyone who''s in need...At least, she doesn''t lose her time criticizing other people and she shares her wealth. She''s doing a lot of good and whatever her religious beliefs are, she''s worth thousand times more that fundamentalists, like some of this article commentators who are allegedly religious! She certainly deserves all the respect for what she''s doing and if all reach people on earth do like her there will be no more poverty and earth would be heaven