بيونسي تنشر الصور الأولى لطفلتها على مدونتها الخاصة
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
نشر الثنائي الفني بيونسي وجاي زي, صور طفلتهما الأولى"بلو إيفي كارتر" على مدونة خاصة حملت اسم الطفلة, ليكون ذلك أول ظهور علني لبلو كارتر بعد شهر من ولادتها.
نيويورك: وضعت النجمة بيونسي نهاية للشائعات العديدة التي انتشرت عقب ولادة طفلتها في السابع من يناير - كانون الثاني الماضي, وروجت لقيام بيونسي وزوجها مغني الراب جاي زي, ببيع الصور الأولى لطفلتهما بلو ايفي كارتر لعدد من المجلات مقابل ملايين دولارات أسوة ببعض نجوم هوليوود.
وكانت المفاجأة عندما نشرت بيونسي وجاي زي الصور الأولى لبلو ايفي كارتر على مدونة أنشأها خصيصا لمشاركة جمهورهما فرحتهما بولادة ابنتهما, لتكون تلك الصور هي الظهور العلني الأول لطفلة بيونسي بعد شهر من ولادتها.
ونشرت بيونسي حوالي خمس صور لبلو إيفي , فضلا عن رسالة شكرت فيها وزوجها كل من احترم حقهما في الخصوصية, علما أن بداية الرسالة كانت ترحيب برواد المدونة ودعوتهم إلى المشاركة في متابعة اللحظات الحميمية السعيدة التي يتمتع بها الزوجان مع طفلتهما.
وفي الصور المنشورة على مدونة "Helloblueivycarter ", تبدو بيونسي في قمة سعادتها وهي تحتضن طفلتها بين ذراعيها, علما أنه بدا ظاهرا وضع بيونسي لطلاء أظافر أزرق اللون, وهو الأمر الذي اعتبره البعض احتفالا منها بمولودتها بلو إيفي كارتر.
الجدير بالذكر أن يونسي شاركت في مناسبتين الأسبوع الماضي, وظهرت في قمة رشاقتها مما يصعب على البعض تخيل أنها وضعت مولودتها الشهر الماضي, مع العلم أن زوجها جاي زي قد أهداها خاتم من الماس الأزرق تيمنا بطفلتهما.
ما شاء الله
عباس المفلحم -خلف شروط النشر
ما شاء الله
عباس المفلحم -خلف شروط النشر
Congrats to Lady B
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -What could come from Beyonce but drops of Beauty and with her money and rivers of talent and her statues good looks she is a good women all the happiness and wealth and good health to her Jay Z and more kids god willing they are the power couple stay together and be strong for it is a cold and ugly out there congrats baby blue Ivy Carter and your pretty stunning mom you have big shoes to fill good luck
sali -baby does not look to neither of them , who is the real Mother,
sali -baby does not look to neither of them , who is the real Mother,
Help needed
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -Ya Somaleeya, Beyonce needs a cleaning lady to clean the bathrooms in her house and wash the baby’s diapers , you should apply for the job maybe you will qualify, just don’t forget to take a shower and brush your teeth before the interview and also don’t ruin your chances by telling her that you were once a pirate lady
Help needed
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -Ya Somaleeya, Beyonce needs a cleaning lady to clean the bathrooms in her house and wash the baby’s diapers , you should apply for the job maybe you will qualify, just don’t forget to take a shower and brush your teeth before the interview and also don’t ruin your chances by telling her that you were once a pirate lady
Unknown and hiding haaaaa
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -When you identify yourself I might reply why don''t you I didn''t know all this 411 FYI you look you need it more than me and yes I am a somalian and proud and it shows wink wink what are proud of haaaaaaaaaaa obviously Nothing
Unknown and hiding haaaaa
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -When you identify yourself I might reply why don''t you I didn''t know all this 411 FYI you look you need it more than me and yes I am a somalian and proud and it shows wink wink what are proud of haaaaaaaaaaa obviously Nothing
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA
Get the job girl -Ouch, a person doesn’t know whether you are talking or passing wind or doing both while you are eating your pickled chicken legs dinner! I just wanted to help you do something you do best when I suggested that you apply for the maid job, after all, you should be proud of profession
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA
Get the job girl -Ouch, a person doesn’t know whether you are talking or passing wind or doing both while you are eating your pickled chicken legs dinner! I just wanted to help you do something you do best when I suggested that you apply for the maid job, after all, you should be proud of profession
Wow someone is Obsessed
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -Again you hide who you are because you are ashamed of something and you know a maid is better than a street walker that you are so since you aspire of being a maid then so be it and your obsession of me instead of simply reading an article and comment on it and go in your marry way makes me think you have no life and even no job and the maid thing you seem to know more of it than me and your obsessed about it haaaaaaaaaa so you keep it up I simply pass and do what I know best an attorney job and call me when you are in the big house where you should be anyways haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ugliness is what I see in you and some hot air haaaaaaaaaaa
Wow someone is Obsessed
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -Again you hide who you are because you are ashamed of something and you know a maid is better than a street walker that you are so since you aspire of being a maid then so be it and your obsession of me instead of simply reading an article and comment on it and go in your marry way makes me think you have no life and even no job and the maid thing you seem to know more of it than me and your obsessed about it haaaaaaaaaa so you keep it up I simply pass and do what I know best an attorney job and call me when you are in the big house where you should be anyways haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa Ugliness is what I see in you and some hot air haaaaaaaaaaa
Obsessed with me ! Why
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -You seem to be knowledgeable of this maid job and so exited so let go the bottle of cheap Vodka and start joining with your duster, mop, broom and apron and start at my house haaaaaaaaaaaaa even though I am a neat freak haaaaaaaaaaaaa and try to look human just for the interview haaaa I will tell you what I do for living is taking people like you and put them at a gated neighborhood called "the big house" I hope you good stay so you can imagine my income$$ and stay obsessed of me frankly I don''t blame you
Obsessed with me ! Why
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -You seem to be knowledgeable of this maid job and so exited so let go the bottle of cheap Vodka and start joining with your duster, mop, broom and apron and start at my house haaaaaaaaaaaaa even though I am a neat freak haaaaaaaaaaaaa and try to look human just for the interview haaaa I will tell you what I do for living is taking people like you and put them at a gated neighborhood called "the big house" I hope you good stay so you can imagine my income$$ and stay obsessed of me frankly I don''t blame you
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA
Go Home -خارج الموضوع
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA
Go Home -خارج الموضوع
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA
is an insolent beggar -Clearly, you can’t even handle the cultural shock and ramifications of your move from your ghetto back home and the feces rock where you were born. That’s why you gravitated towards the lowest of American ghettoes where you seemingly live now.
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA
is an insolent beggar -Clearly, you can’t even handle the cultural shock and ramifications of your move from your ghetto back home and the feces rock where you were born. That’s why you gravitated towards the lowest of American ghettoes where you seemingly live now.
haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how funny using big words you are a shadow with no identity and ghetto is never a word I use or familiar with I will not share where I live with a no body but rest assured that you will have a heart attack from your hater self and self haaaaaaaaa and then again you seem very important that you tell people where to go you must be delusional and your clown like humor is not that good anyhoo I told you that shadows are worthless people thinking anyone cares for them but this is the last comment from me to a shadow be gone and the lowest kind of existence it''s that of a shadow be gone shoooo shoooo
haaaaaaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر USA -haaaaaaaaaaaaaaa how funny using big words you are a shadow with no identity and ghetto is never a word I use or familiar with I will not share where I live with a no body but rest assured that you will have a heart attack from your hater self and self haaaaaaaaa and then again you seem very important that you tell people where to go you must be delusional and your clown like humor is not that good anyhoo I told you that shadows are worthless people thinking anyone cares for them but this is the last comment from me to a shadow be gone and the lowest kind of existence it''s that of a shadow be gone shoooo shoooo