
بسبب استخدام أغنيتها "غربة" في الحملة الانتخابية

فرقة راب أردنية تقاضي نتنياهو والليكود

قرائنا من مستخدمي تلغرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
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رفعت فرقة راب أردنية دعوى قضائية على بنيامين نتنياهو وحزب الليكود بسبب استخدام إحدى أغنياتها في حملته الانتخابية من دون إذن. &تقاضي فرقة راب أردنية رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو وحزبه ليكود، بسبب استخدام أغنية لها باسم "غربة" في الحملة الانتخابية للحزب، استعدادًا للانتخابات في 17 آذار (مارس) المقبل.&لسنا مع &داعشوقال إياد جبران، محامي الفرقة: "أرسل فراس شحادة، مؤسس فرقة ترابية الموسيقية الأردنية إنذارًا قضائيًا عن طريق المحكمة الجزائية في حيفا الاثنين، لأن الأغنية استخدمت من دون إذن، وأفراد الفرقة صدموا لوقاحة ليكود في هذه السرقة الصريحة". امتنع ممثلون لليكود ولنتنياهو عن التعليق.وجاء في الدعوى القضائية أن هذا المقطع يخلق الانطباع بأن فرقة ترابية تؤيد تنظيم داعش، ويمكن أن يعرض أفرادها للانتقام من جانب أولئك الذين يعارضون التنظيم. كما أن استخدامه في حملة حزب يميني إسرائيلي يمكن أن يحرم الفرقة من معجبيها.قال شحادة: "علمت بهذا المقطع من أصدقائي السبت، بعد وقت قصير من وضعه على الإنترنت. وقال لوكالة رويترز: "صدمت.. هذا جنون، فنحن ضد تنظيم داعش وضد إسرائيل".&استدر يسارًاتستخدم أغنية "غربة" في تسجيل فيديو مدته 40 ثانية بعنوان "نحن أو هم.. نسخة داعش في العراق وسوريا"، وضع على قناة نتنياهو على موقع يوتيوب، يصور 4 رجال يرتدون زي عناصر تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية (داعش)، يتنقلون بالسيارات عبر الأراضي الرملية. يتوقف السائق ليسأل سائق سيارة بجواره بلغة عبرية بلهجة عربية: "كيف نذهب إلى القدس يا أخي". يرد الإسرائيلي: "استدر يسارًا". ويريد المقطع أن يقول إذا هزم يسار الوسط حزب ليكود اليميني في الانتخابات، فإن داعش في العراق وسوريا هو الذي سيتولى السلطة.&وتتألف فرقة ترابية من أربعة أعضاء، ثلاثة منهم يتحدرون من اللاجئين الفلسطينيين الذين يقيم ملايين منهم الآن في الأردن. وقال شحادة إن الأغنية تجسد اغترابهم السياسي وحنينهم للعودة إلى وطنهم الفلسطيني.&


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

haaaaaaaaaaaa lol they just are fame whores not more you forgot the fact you have a land dispute not artistic rights again you dummies since you don''t care about the land dispute at least this could have been new customers buying your infamous rap loser group music never heard about them ever you lost customers all over again it is so stupid for a group of unknown nobody to act so offended this would made sense if it was Drake or Lil wayne young money Cash money Bad boy records or Dr Dre in the west coast no one cares about local middle eastern rappers in the middle east or abroad you would have got so known if you just kept your mouth shot or say something other than selfish money hungry selves by the way if you guys have Bravo channel please check out the new hot young and fresh NYC Chef Roblé Ali the owner of Roblé & Co he have the reality show he owns his catering company with his sister Jasmine Ali they have high end celebrity clients like the late Micheal Jackson Nicki Minaj Leonardo DiCaprio John Legend and Christie Teigan Mariah Carey Jay Z and queen B and his Brooklyn buddy director Spike Lee L L cool J he also catered for President Obama event so this kid is going strong and powerful in the Chef scene check him out he is Somali but was born in Poughkeepsie New York but he is Somali his name Roblé means in Somali he who was born in a rainy day translation the blessed one I wanted to say the way we look as Muslims are as aggressors not the peaceful with these kinds of stuff floating around I suggest to watch how Roblé a Muslim Chef was hired by Jewish clients in NYC and he cooked Kosher food for them it was so sweet and nice image of people from different faith coming together working together giving a Muslim young fresh chef a time to shine get it through your heads Israel is full of sins so the other side as a matter of fact Israel was used to keep some people in their chairs ruling for 40 plus years look for once in the mirror it is ugly out ther

Arabostyle -

1-Resistance can be in different forms including rap music- you are completely wrong by saying ‘ you don’t care about the land. I want to know what have you done in comparison to what Turabieh Band from Jordan has for the fight against Israel. 2- I don’t care about all American celebrities you mentioned, they were made by big production companies, have you heard of underground music my dear? Knowledge is power right? Maybe you should google Immortal Technique, he’ll tell you all about the fake celebrities you mentioned. 3-Educate yourself first before lecturing at an arab website with your loose English language skills

صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

Wow now educate yourself first then lecture me i!! this is a general internet place for all to get in oh yeah why if you like make it exclusive and for those who pay the fees only to get in then you will know what is it to feel what desertion means haaaaaaaaaaaa lol educate yourself with unknown total losers trying to act after they lost respect land honor dead chivalry and they are bombing each other that is the most of your problems start with rap music which is African American in origin or western American music I did not say a bad word but if you have cancer paper cuts is the least of your problems but I guess you cover it up with useless words like Bananas, Avocados or your freaking Hamas these are products in the supermarket haaaaaaaaaaa lol total zero

Arabostyle -

I honestly do not understand what are you trying to say , I wasn''t joking about your language skills. I really think you should write in Arabic, maybe you''ll be able to express yourself a bit better and also people will understand what you are saying. Also Rap music is not African American, and definitely not western American, have you heard of Notorious BIG? Do yourself a favor and go on Wikipedia mate. Also we Palestinian are not all Hamas, we are Christian, jews, muslim, druze etc... Do not forget we exported all 3 religions to the world including yours. You are who you are because of us. I can see you have a fan club here, lots of likes.

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

Dude I communicate with people who English is their only tongue I think it''s not me being not clear but you replied with issues which shows you picked up on it also you replied again which is not so bright if you feel me you answer to what you understand never otherwise Rap is part of my music fav genre I don'' get my 411 from Wikipedia which I can get in and change it to blah blah blah Notorious B.I.G is a dead rapper did not add a thing to rap music very commercial but Run DMC NWA Common Nas & my home boy K''nan are my favs so I take it as meaningful poetry not like a sexist, violence rap