لأنها لم تنشر نتائج استطلاع رأي يظهر تفوقه على منافسيه
دونالد ترامب مستاء من وسائل الإعلام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
&قال دونالد ترامب،&إن وسائل الإعلام لم تنشر نتائج استطلاع الرأي الذي أجرته مؤسسة زوغبي، لأنها لا تريد اظهاره متفوقا على المرشحين الآخرين.
جواد الصايغ من نيويورك: ابدى دونالد ترامب استياءه من عدم نشر وسائل الاعلام لنتائج استطلاع رأي جديد أجرته مؤسسة زوغبي، التي يرأسها جون زوغبي، وذلك بعد المناظرة التي جمعت المرشحين الساعين لنيل ترشيح الحزب الجمهوري للانتخابات الأميركية.
Knowledge is Power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -oh nooooo the media he went down in the polls and Carly Fiorina is going after his orange behind and Dr Frankishtine Carson is now number 3 pretty soon he will be gone from the picture let him live with that failure he needs a brain surgeon and as a Muslim I am so happy to the level of joy joy happy happy that the bad publicity went into our favour not against us the polls of Donald going down still the front runner but he lost so much support and Carly is now next in line from now where to number 2 the best part Jeb!! or Jeb Bush his real name is number last in the list haaaaaaaaaaa lol so that means he is gone girl gone but if Carly took over it will be 2 women fighting to get the presidency it will be tough for Hilary but good for America again we are praying and wishing for Donald to be the front republican runner not because of his good charm or looks but he is toast if he was running against Hilary that will be like chewing gum to win again as Muslims today we are strong and getting bigger and better today 8 millions in few decades will get to be over 10 millions great for us and America Donald is a big orange baby but I laugh for hours after his speeches and today he went from not talking to he "LOVES" Muslims haaaaaaaaa but he meant not Muslims but Radical Islam well we all are against extremist in any religion but great he got a clue that 8 millions voting against you means you lost the election better safe than sorry