
God Had Already Blessed Him!

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Buntzie Churchill’s Farewell to Bernard Lewis Exclusively Through Elaph

God Had Already Blessed Him!

On the occasion of Elaph tribute to the British historian Bernard Lewis, Buntzie Ellis Churchill wrote special message. Churchill is a lifelong partner of Lewis during his late years, a well-known writer and activist. They co-authored many books, to name few: "Notes on a Century: Reflections of a Middle East Historian" and "Islam: Religion and People".

Churchill wrote:

 God Had Already Blessed Him

 I would quote from Oliver Goldsmith to give a description of Bernard's intellect...

And still they gazed,

And still the wonder grew

That one small head

Could carry all he knew.

 And perhaps, if it fits, you could use a personal anecdote:

A year before Bernard reached his 100th birthday, he felt unwell. So I called a doctor's office to make an appointment for him and the secretary was suggesting dates two to three months away. 

I pleaded: "He's 99.  Couldn't we have an appointment a little sooner?'

The secretary exclaimed, "99? God bless him!"

I told Bernard that the secretary had said "99, God bless him.'

."And Bernard said, "He already has!"


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