التسامح الديني .. مصر نموذجا
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
زعيم قبطي
دافنشي -الوطن قبل كل شيء... أبناؤه!
زعيم قبطي
دافنشي -الوطن قبل كل شيء... أبناؤه!
God is Love
Rose -God is Love, this Supreme Almighty God, who created the universe is Love, hate and all its verses in any book , is evil and it comes from the prince of evil, Satan....Satan started fighting God in the name of God by caliming that God encourage to kill others whose belief is different.....Dear Muslims , if you realy need to live and let other live, remove the verses of hate from your book, becasue all muslims want to seve God and win his favour by obeying these verses that encourage hate and killing others , let me wirte it down whate Jesus said in the bible ; the time will come when people think that by killing you they would serve God and win his favour ;...Mankind is under the power of sin, nobody can get released from its bundage, but only thru faith in Jesus Christ who nailed the power of Sin on the cross and defeated Satan . Jesus who carried all sins of mankind on the cross and by his blood shed forgivenss is now a gift from God, gave up himself for your an my sake...come now and do yourself a favour and get free from the power of Satan and become a child of the most high God who is love as the bible says God has loves the world so much that he sent his own begotten son so that whoever believes shall not perish but has eternal lif
God is Love
Rose -God is Love, this Supreme Almighty God, who created the universe is Love, hate and all its verses in any book , is evil and it comes from the prince of evil, Satan....Satan started fighting God in the name of God by caliming that God encourage to kill others whose belief is different.....Dear Muslims , if you realy need to live and let other live, remove the verses of hate from your book, becasue all muslims want to seve God and win his favour by obeying these verses that encourage hate and killing others , let me wirte it down whate Jesus said in the bible ; the time will come when people think that by killing you they would serve God and win his favour ;...Mankind is under the power of sin, nobody can get released from its bundage, but only thru faith in Jesus Christ who nailed the power of Sin on the cross and defeated Satan . Jesus who carried all sins of mankind on the cross and by his blood shed forgivenss is now a gift from God, gave up himself for your an my sake...come now and do yourself a favour and get free from the power of Satan and become a child of the most high God who is love as the bible says God has loves the world so much that he sent his own begotten son so that whoever believes shall not perish but has eternal lif
المسيحيون مختطفون
عابر ايلاف -كان ذلك ايام زمان قبل ان يستولي التيار المتطرف من تنظيم الامة القبطية الارهابي المحلول على الكنيسة ويشحن المسيحيين بالاحقاد والأحلام الخرافية مثل طرد المصريين المسلمين الى جزيرتهم ليعود الزمن الجميل بين المصريين يبدأ بنظام حكم وطني عادل وقوي وكنسية وطنية تخلو من المتطرفين والمهاويس
المسيحيون مختطفون
عابر ايلاف -كان ذلك ايام زمان قبل ان يستولي التيار المتطرف من تنظيم الامة القبطية الارهابي المحلول على الكنيسة ويشحن المسيحيين بالاحقاد والأحلام الخرافية مثل طرد المصريين المسلمين الى جزيرتهم ليعود الزمن الجميل بين المصريين يبدأ بنظام حكم وطني عادل وقوي وكنسية وطنية تخلو من المتطرفين والمهاويس
الى الحاقدين
matia -مدام امثال عابر ايلاف موجوده ومؤيده من بعض الاشخاص على الدنيا السلام!!!!!!!!!! لم اسمع من هذا العابر سوى اتهامات بدون دليل واحد على صحة ما يقول وعلى اي حال هو يسيء للاسلام قبل ان يسيء للمسيحيه.
الى الحاقدين
matia -مدام امثال عابر ايلاف موجوده ومؤيده من بعض الاشخاص على الدنيا السلام!!!!!!!!!! لم اسمع من هذا العابر سوى اتهامات بدون دليل واحد على صحة ما يقول وعلى اي حال هو يسيء للاسلام قبل ان يسيء للمسيحيه.
Rizgar -are you serious Sir? Arab country and tolerant !!!!!
Rizgar -are you serious Sir? Arab country and tolerant !!!!!
Have mercy on us
Fr. George -the problem with most of those people is they realy don''t know God, and when you try to tell that God is Love they tell you just for the Muslim and they forgot that God created the muslims as well as as create the christian even as well as created the jews and the budas and I don''t think that God told them muslim I created the other people for you to torture and to kill.I just want to let you know that God crys evertime that one person of you think that God wants you to torture and kill his creation because GOD is love and his people always prevail, we carry our cross no matter how hard it is and we pray for our enemy, but I pray that when you go to bed at night you can tell God we fulfill your comandments have mercy on us.
Have mercy on us
Fr. George -the problem with most of those people is they realy don''t know God, and when you try to tell that God is Love they tell you just for the Muslim and they forgot that God created the muslims as well as as create the christian even as well as created the jews and the budas and I don''t think that God told them muslim I created the other people for you to torture and to kill.I just want to let you know that God crys evertime that one person of you think that God wants you to torture and kill his creation because GOD is love and his people always prevail, we carry our cross no matter how hard it is and we pray for our enemy, but I pray that when you go to bed at night you can tell God we fulfill your comandments have mercy on us.