كتاب يشير إلى أن أوباما إتهم كلينتون بالكذب
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
واشنطن: أورد مراسل مجلة "نيوزويك" ريتشارك وولف في كتابه الجديد "المرتد: صناعة رئيس" أن الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما إتهم الرئيسي الأسبق بيل كلينتون بالتفوه بالأكاذيب. وذكرت محطة "فوكس نيوز" الأميركية ان وولف يقول في الكتاب ان حملة أوباما ناضلت للتوصل إلى أسلوب للرد على كلينتون، الذي نصّب نفسه مدافعاً عن زوجته هيلاري كلينتون في الانتخابات التمهيدية في الحزب الديمقراطي.
وقال أوباما لوولف "علينا أن نجد طريقة للتعامل مع الرئيس الأسبق، الذي كان يكذب ويتفوه بالأكاذيب الوقحة. وكتب وولف أيضاً في كتابه ان أوباما أبلغ مساعديه انه يرغب في النظر في ترشيح هيلاري كلينتون لمنصب نائب الرئيس على اللائحة الديمقراطية "إذا ساعدتنا سياسياً".
وكان التوتر ساد العلاقة بين أوباما وكلينتون في أواخر يناير/كانون الثاني 2008 خلال الحملة الرئاسية قبل الانتخابات التمهيدية في الحزب الديمقراطي والتي تبادل فيها الجانبان الاتهامات.
So ?
Sabry Fawzy Gohara -So what is new? Everybody knows that Bill Clinton
So ?
Sabry Fawzy Gohara -So what is new? Everybody knows that Bill Clinton
So ?
Sabry Fawzy Gohara -So what is new? Everybody knows that Bill Clinton
So ?
Sabry Fawzy Gohara -So what is new? Everybody knows that Bill Clinton
but still
freesoule -the thing that is important that how obama and the clintons became one team,to serve their country and this shows that they all are very civilized,educated,and believe that their country is more important than their personal dis agrement,not like arabic leaders like basheer,bashar khathafee who are ready to burn their nations for their own ego and self worship
but still
freesoule -the thing that is important that how obama and the clintons became one team,to serve their country and this shows that they all are very civilized,educated,and believe that their country is more important than their personal dis agrement,not like arabic leaders like basheer,bashar khathafee who are ready to burn their nations for their own ego and self worship
but still
freesoule -the thing that is important that how obama and the clintons became one team,to serve their country and this shows that they all are very civilized,educated,and believe that their country is more important than their personal dis agrement,not like arabic leaders like basheer,bashar khathafee who are ready to burn their nations for their own ego and self worship
but still
freesoule -the thing that is important that how obama and the clintons became one team,to serve their country and this shows that they all are very civilized,educated,and believe that their country is more important than their personal dis agrement,not like arabic leaders like basheer,bashar khathafee who are ready to burn their nations for their own ego and self worship
but still
freesoule -the thing that is important that how obama and the clintons became one team,to serve their country and this shows that they all are very civilized,educated,and believe that their country is more important than their personal dis agrement,not like arabic leaders like basheer,bashar khathafee who are ready to burn their nations for their own ego and self worship