
نشر آلاف الجنود الأمريكيين في شمال العراق

قرائنا من مستخدمي تلغرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

لندن: أفادت صحيفة التايمز الصادرة اليوم الثلاثاء أن الولايات المتحدة تخطط لإرسال آلاف الجنود الأميركيين من جديد إلى شمال العراق لمنع وقوع حرب أهلية بين سكانها العرب والأكراد. وقالت الصحيفة إن هذا التحرك الطارئ يمثل أول مؤشر بارز على أن خطة الرئيس الأميركي باراك أوباما بسحب قوات بلاده من العراق في غضون 12 شهراً من الآن يمكن أن لا تتحقق.

وسمح الزعماء العرب والأكراد من حيث المبدأ للقوات الأميركية بالانتشار في المناطق المتنازع عليها والغنية بالنفط حول الموصل وكركوك ،بسبب الخلاف على الحدود الفاصلة بين مناطقهم وتقاسم عوائد النفط. ونسبت الصحيفة إلى قائد القوات الأميركية في العراق الجنرال راي أوديرنو قوله "إن تنظيم القاعدة يستغل الخلاف بين العرب والأكراد، وما نسعى إلى فعله هو سد هذا الفراغ".

واضافت أن انتشار قوة الحماية الأميركية سيبدأ في محافظة نينوى ويشمل الموصل وكركوك، وقام الجنرال أوديرنو بمناقشة خطة الانتشار مع الحكومة المركزية في بغداد وحكومة اقليم كردستان العراق. ولقي أكثر من 100 شخص مصرعهم هذا الشهر في المناطق المختلطة بين العرب والأكرد في شمال العراق في سلسلة من الهجمات من بينها هجمات بالسيارات المفخخة في قرى قرب الموصل.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
مبروك لاسرائيل
عراقي -

وهكذا تكتمل الاية الاتفاق الكردي الاسرائيلي الذي ينص على استحواذ الاكراد على الموصصل وكركوك مقابل انبوبان متوازيان للنفط والماء الصالح للشرب من كردستان الى اسرائيل والذي سوف يمر في الموصل وفي الاراضي السورية بعد المساومة على الجولان مقابل الانابيب المارة في الاراضي السورية والعرب العراقيين سوف يتحصرون على القسم الشمالي من العراق ولا مزيد من التعليق..........

مبروك لاسرائيل
عراقي -

وهكذا تكتمل الاية الاتفاق الكردي الاسرائيلي الذي ينص على استحواذ الاكراد على الموصصل وكركوك مقابل انبوبان متوازيان للنفط والماء الصالح للشرب من كردستان الى اسرائيل والذي سوف يمر في الموصل وفي الاراضي السورية بعد المساومة على الجولان مقابل الانابيب المارة في الاراضي السورية والعرب العراقيين سوف يتحصرون على القسم الشمالي من العراق ولا مزيد من التعليق..........

Implmnt Article 140
Allan Kurdi -

According to the constitution, the disputed areas were supposed to be solved by the end of 2007! Article 140 has a clear and precise description of all the steps en-rout to solving the existing problems. If that article was not the right way to solve the chronicle problem which was created by the successive Iraqi governments, to Arabize Kurdistan’s land and people, the 12 million Iraqis should not have voted for it, at the time. As it was accepted by the majority to normalize the situation in those areas, not doing so is considered betrayal and (Nifaq) according to Islamic/Arabic criteria and principles. The Iraqi government has used all the excuses in the books just not implement that article. Ironically, the executive part of it is lead by the Islamic/Shiite parties. Now as a non-Arab person, how would one can believe in any word or promise from such kind of people who would say something, but do the opposite?Let us be clear here, the Kurds are not going to give up one inch of their historic land, all the way from Zirbatye, Jalawla, Khanaqeen to Kirkuk, and Sinjar and Makhmur. They have been dealt with by force, chemical bombs, genocide and deportation, yet their will and aspiration has growing bolder and stronger. They are not going to be afraid of another massacre if there should be one. For them, their land obliges them to defend her as a sacred duty. So, please don’t try to use the language of intimidation as it is worthless and is not going to work. The only way The Kurds may accept, with a big sorrow, to give up any of those area/towns is though a referendum of the original people excluding the settlers who were brought there to change the demographics of these areas. We would like to be brothers with the Arabs in Iraq, and to establish a democratic society. We don’t hate anyone, but we would not tolerate or compromise on our rights as a nation and equal partners in the country. Hopefully, positioning the American forces in those areas will force the gove

Implmnt Article 140
Allan Kurdi -

According to the constitution, the disputed areas were supposed to be solved by the end of 2007! Article 140 has a clear and precise description of all the steps en-rout to solving the existing problems. If that article was not the right way to solve the chronicle problem which was created by the successive Iraqi governments, to Arabize Kurdistan’s land and people, the 12 million Iraqis should not have voted for it, at the time. As it was accepted by the majority to normalize the situation in those areas, not doing so is considered betrayal and (Nifaq) according to Islamic/Arabic criteria and principles. The Iraqi government has used all the excuses in the books just not implement that article. Ironically, the executive part of it is lead by the Islamic/Shiite parties. Now as a non-Arab person, how would one can believe in any word or promise from such kind of people who would say something, but do the opposite?Let us be clear here, the Kurds are not going to give up one inch of their historic land, all the way from Zirbatye, Jalawla, Khanaqeen to Kirkuk, and Sinjar and Makhmur. They have been dealt with by force, chemical bombs, genocide and deportation, yet their will and aspiration has growing bolder and stronger. They are not going to be afraid of another massacre if there should be one. For them, their land obliges them to defend her as a sacred duty. So, please don’t try to use the language of intimidation as it is worthless and is not going to work. The only way The Kurds may accept, with a big sorrow, to give up any of those area/towns is though a referendum of the original people excluding the settlers who were brought there to change the demographics of these areas. We would like to be brothers with the Arabs in Iraq, and to establish a democratic society. We don’t hate anyone, but we would not tolerate or compromise on our rights as a nation and equal partners in the country. Hopefully, positioning the American forces in those areas will force the gove