
مصدر: خطأ الطيار سبب تحطم الطائرة الاثيوبية

قراؤنا من مستخدمي إنستجرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

بيروت: قال مصدر على دراية بالتحقيق في تحطم طائرة ركاب اثيوبية قبالة سواحل لبنان الشهر الماضي ان خطأ الطيار هو سبب تحطم الطائرة التي كانت تقل 90 شخصا. وأبلغ المصدر وكالة رويترز اليوم الثلاثاء "توصل فريق التحقيق لنتيجة مبدئية بأنه كان خطأ الطيار.. بناء على المعلومات المأخوذة من الصندوق الأسود."

وتوجه فريق تحقيق يضم مسؤولين لبنانيين وفرنسيين واثيوبيين الى فرنسا يوم الاثنين ومعهم تسجيلات الرحلة المعروفة باسم الصندوق الاسود لتحليلها.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
mohamad -

i think the captan should take the responible and now he died so the company should take response

mohamad -

i think the captan should take the responible and now he died so the company should take response

mohamad -

i think the captan should take the responible and now he died so the company should take response

mohamad -

i think the captan should take the responible and now he died so the company should take response

Hassan -

My dears, it is impossible to be the captain responsabilty because whatever is the captain error, it is impossible that the plane explode! I''m expert in planes and I know how it works. Therefore, Even the Engine exploded (resposability on maintenance of the plane or having an explosion aboard the plane....whatever, the plane can''t explode EVEN the captain made an error.

Hassan -

My dears, it is impossible to be the captain responsabilty because whatever is the captain error, it is impossible that the plane explode! I''m expert in planes and I know how it works. Therefore, Even the Engine exploded (resposability on maintenance of the plane or having an explosion aboard the plane....whatever, the plane can''t explode EVEN the captain made an error.

Hassan -

My dears, it is impossible to be the captain responsabilty because whatever is the captain error, it is impossible that the plane explode! I''m expert in planes and I know how it works. Therefore, Even the Engine exploded (resposability on maintenance of the plane or having an explosion aboard the plane....whatever, the plane can''t explode EVEN the captain made an error.

Hassan -

My dears, it is impossible to be the captain responsabilty because whatever is the captain error, it is impossible that the plane explode! I''m expert in planes and I know how it works. Therefore, Even the Engine exploded (resposability on maintenance of the plane or having an explosion aboard the plane....whatever, the plane can''t explode EVEN the captain made an error.