
راسموسن يدين الهجوم ضد الجنود الأتراك

قرائنا من مستخدمي تلغرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

بروكسل: دان السكرتير العام لحلف شمال الاطلسي الناتو اندرس فوغ راسموسن اليوم بقوة الهجوم الذي وقع امس في محافزة ديار بكر التركية واسفر عن مقتل 13 جنديا تركيا واصابة عدد كبير آخر بجروح.

وقال راسموسن في بيان ان مثل هذه الهجمات لا مبرر لها معربا عن تعازيه لأسرالقتلى قائلا "حلفاء الناتو يقفون في تضامن كامل ضد آفة الارهاب". تجدر الاشارة الى ان تركيا دولة عضو في حلف شمال الاطلسي.

وكان 13 جنديا تركيا قتلوا واصيب سبعة آخرون بجروح في اشتباكات مع مجموعة مسلحة من عناصر حزب العمل الكردستاني بالقرب من مدينة (سيلفان) في محافظة ديار بكر يوم امس الخميس.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
where u been
Rizgar -

راسموسن...where have you been in the last 80years?State terror in Turkey is systematic, savage, and merciless.

where u been
Rizgar -

راسموسن...where have you been in the last 80years?State terror in Turkey is systematic, savage, and merciless.


I am a grateful slave.My master is a good man.He gives me food, shelter, work and other things.All he requires in return is that I obey him.I am told he has the power to control my life.I look up to him,and wish that I were so powerful. My master must understand the world better than I,because he was chosen by many othersfor his respected position.I sometimes complain,but fear I cannot live without his help.He is a good man. My master protects my money from theft,before and after he takes half of it.Before taking his half,he says only he can protect my money.After taking it, he says it is still mine.When he spends my money,he says I own the things he has bought.I don''t understand this, but I believe him.He is a good man.


I am a grateful slave.My master is a good man.He gives me food, shelter, work and other things.All he requires in return is that I obey him.I am told he has the power to control my life.I look up to him,and wish that I were so powerful. My master must understand the world better than I,because he was chosen by many othersfor his respected position.I sometimes complain,but fear I cannot live without his help.He is a good man. My master protects my money from theft,before and after he takes half of it.Before taking his half,he says only he can protect my money.After taking it, he says it is still mine.When he spends my money,he says I own the things he has bought.I don''t understand this, but I believe him.He is a good man.

Jay -

Sir M. Barzany said , Kurdistan is a cemetery for our enemy in 1961.

Jay -

Sir M. Barzany said , Kurdistan is a cemetery for our enemy in 1961.

راسموسن -

Kurdistan is not a small fish to be swallowed

راسموسن -

Kurdistan is not a small fish to be swallowed