
العاصمة الإيطالية أيضا هدف لـ(داعش)

إعتداءات باريس قد تكون مقدمة لموجة هجمات في أوروبا

قراؤنا من مستخدمي تويتر
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

اعترضت أجهزة المخابرات الغربية قبيل الاعتداءات التي وقعت في باريس، اتصالات اعلن فيها قادة في تنظيم "داعش" الإرهابي عن موجة اعتداءات مقبلة تشمل عواصم أوروبية.

برلين: ذكرت صحيفة بيلد الالمانية في عددها الاحد ان الاعتداءات التي وقعت في فرنسا قد تكون مقدمة لموجة اعتداءات على مستوى اوروبي، حسب اتصالات لقادة تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية تم اعتراضها من قبل اجهزة المخابرات الاميركية.

ونقلت الصحيفة عن مصادر لم تذكر اسمها في المخابرات الاميركية ان احد هذه الاجهزة، وكالة الامن القومي، اعترض قبيل الاعتداءات التي وقعت في باريس اتصالات اعلن فيها قادة في تنظيم الدولة الاسلامية عن موجة اعتداءات مقبلة.

واعتبرت باريس حسب هذه الاتصالات بمثابة الاشارة لسلسلة اعتداءات تستهدف مدنا اوروبية اخرى من بينها روما، حسب الصحيفة التي اشارت الى ان اية خطة ملموسة لم تذكر.

واوضحت الصحيفة الالمانية ان المخابرات الاميركية تملك معلومات مفادها انه كانت للاخوين شريف وسعيد كواشي اللذين نفذا المجزرة في صحيفة شارلي ايبدو الساخرة (12 قتيلا) اتصالات في هولندا.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
من المسئول و الممول
مجنون عاقل -

المصيبة الاكبر و المسئول الاكبر هو من يمول هذه المجموعات لتقوم بتلك العمليات و ها هي تكبر و تتفرع لمجموعات اخرى باسماء جديدة

من المسئول و الممول
مجنون عاقل -

المصيبة الاكبر و المسئول الاكبر هو من يمول هذه المجموعات لتقوم بتلك العمليات و ها هي تكبر و تتفرع لمجموعات اخرى باسماء جديدة

عائشة الطفلة -

وحمل الذين كفروا على عبادنا بالسيف، فمنهم من استسلم للكفر خوف السيف والردى فآمن بالطاغوت مكرها فسلم وضل سبيلا، ومنهم من اشترى دين الحق بالجزية عن يد صاغراً ذليلاً، ومنهم من تمسك بالدين الحق فقتلوه في سبيلناً) (سورة الجزية 5، 6، 8-156-157) .

من المسئول و الممول
مجنون عاقل -

المصيبة الاكبر و المسئول الاكبر هو من يمول هذه المجموعات لتقوم بتلك العمليات و ها هي تكبر و تتفرع لمجموعات اخرى باسماء جديدة

عائشة الطفلة -

وحمل الذين كفروا على عبادنا بالسيف، فمنهم من استسلم للكفر خوف السيف والردى فآمن بالطاغوت مكرها فسلم وضل سبيلا، ومنهم من اشترى دين الحق بالجزية عن يد صاغراً ذليلاً، ومنهم من تمسك بالدين الحق فقتلوه في سبيلناً) (سورة الجزية 5، 6، 8-156-157) .

من المسئول و الممول
مجنون عاقل -

المصيبة الاكبر و المسئول الاكبر هو من يمول هذه المجموعات لتقوم بتلك العمليات و ها هي تكبر و تتفرع لمجموعات اخرى باسماء جديدة

عائشة الطفلة -

وحمل الذين كفروا على عبادنا بالسيف، فمنهم من استسلم للكفر خوف السيف والردى فآمن بالطاغوت مكرها فسلم وضل سبيلا، ومنهم من اشترى دين الحق بالجزية عن يد صاغراً ذليلاً، ومنهم من تمسك بالدين الحق فقتلوه في سبيلناً) (سورة الجزية 5، 6، 8-156-157) .

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

of course it will happen again because it is fake and false flag operation we now thank god can spot a real event from a fake event the Muslims are only one piece of the puzzle the goal is to control people with worries and freeze their thinking with complete and utter fear so the laws of the land can be changed without any obstruction but today I saw the info wars about the Paris attacks real good analysis on how the French government is doing this to prepare the country for laws that they see today as necessary once it is used on non Muslim French people then they will wake up the same thing happened after 911 today Old or child they have to go through security in the Airports does not matter if it was a 99 years old senior woman from Idaho or California which made people angry but once you lose a piece of your freedom to fear it will never come back that is why here in America people are questioning 911 and the government I guess the French will do it faster and harder sooner than later all the forgotten identification and phone calls to police from the suspects makes the whole thing suspect to even a 5 years old child also a photo of a woman who got a boyfriend!! obviously who made up this story was not a Muslim or knows about Islamic relationships!! yet she wears no Islamic head scarf and in photos she is wearing a full ninja style Nikab in one picture she was posing with the black guy but wearing that nikab who should we believe our eyes or the BS news next an 18 years old kid was pointed in the news with photos to be a part of the killing of the 12 people yet later we found out he was in school with his school mates and teachers as witnesses imagine if the kid was sick at home watching TV what would it been for the poor kid to have been accused in a killing spree my conclusion to this mess repeated as no one in the world was killed in Syria from Chemical weapons and the snow season in other places for different reasons but this clearly False Flag operation i

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

of course it will happen again because it is fake and false flag operation we now thank god can spot a real event from a fake event the Muslims are only one piece of the puzzle the goal is to control people with worries and freeze their thinking with complete and utter fear so the laws of the land can be changed without any obstruction but today I saw the info wars about the Paris attacks real good analysis on how the French government is doing this to prepare the country for laws that they see today as necessary once it is used on non Muslim French people then they will wake up the same thing happened after 911 today Old or child they have to go through security in the Airports does not matter if it was a 99 years old senior woman from Idaho or California which made people angry but once you lose a piece of your freedom to fear it will never come back that is why here in America people are questioning 911 and the government I guess the French will do it faster and harder sooner than later all the forgotten identification and phone calls to police from the suspects makes the whole thing suspect to even a 5 years old child also a photo of a woman who got a boyfriend!! obviously who made up this story was not a Muslim or knows about Islamic relationships!! yet she wears no Islamic head scarf and in photos she is wearing a full ninja style Nikab in one picture she was posing with the black guy but wearing that nikab who should we believe our eyes or the BS news next an 18 years old kid was pointed in the news with photos to be a part of the killing of the 12 people yet later we found out he was in school with his school mates and teachers as witnesses imagine if the kid was sick at home watching TV what would it been for the poor kid to have been accused in a killing spree my conclusion to this mess repeated as no one in the world was killed in Syria from Chemical weapons and the snow season in other places for different reasons but this clearly False Flag operation i

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

of course it will happen again because it is fake and false flag operation we now thank god can spot a real event from a fake event the Muslims are only one piece of the puzzle the goal is to control people with worries and freeze their thinking with complete and utter fear so the laws of the land can be changed without any obstruction but today I saw the info wars about the Paris attacks real good analysis on how the French government is doing this to prepare the country for laws that they see today as necessary once it is used on non Muslim French people then they will wake up the same thing happened after 911 today Old or child they have to go through security in the Airports does not matter if it was a 99 years old senior woman from Idaho or California which made people angry but once you lose a piece of your freedom to fear it will never come back that is why here in America people are questioning 911 and the government I guess the French will do it faster and harder sooner than later all the forgotten identification and phone calls to police from the suspects makes the whole thing suspect to even a 5 years old child also a photo of a woman who got a boyfriend!! obviously who made up this story was not a Muslim or knows about Islamic relationships!! yet she wears no Islamic head scarf and in photos she is wearing a full ninja style Nikab in one picture she was posing with the black guy but wearing that nikab who should we believe our eyes or the BS news next an 18 years old kid was pointed in the news with photos to be a part of the killing of the 12 people yet later we found out he was in school with his school mates and teachers as witnesses imagine if the kid was sick at home watching TV what would it been for the poor kid to have been accused in a killing spree my conclusion to this mess repeated as no one in the world was killed in Syria from Chemical weapons and the snow season in other places for different reasons but this clearly False Flag operation i

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

of course it will happen again because it is fake and false flag operation we now thank god can spot a real event from a fake event the Muslims are only one piece of the puzzle the goal is to control people with worries and freeze their thinking with complete and utter fear so the laws of the land can be changed without any obstruction but today I saw the info wars about the Paris attacks real good analysis on how the French government is doing this to prepare the country for laws that they see today as necessary once it is used on non Muslim French people then they will wake up the same thing happened after 911 today Old or child they have to go through security in the Airports does not matter if it was a 99 years old senior woman from Idaho or California which made people angry but once you lose a piece of your freedom to fear it will never come back that is why here in America people are questioning 911 and the government I guess the French will do it faster and harder sooner than later all the forgotten identification and phone calls to police from the suspects makes the whole thing suspect to even a 5 years old child also a photo of a woman who got a boyfriend!! obviously who made up this story was not a Muslim or knows about Islamic relationships!! yet she wears no Islamic head scarf and in photos she is wearing a full ninja style Nikab in one picture she was posing with the black guy but wearing that nikab who should we believe our eyes or the BS news next an 18 years old kid was pointed in the news with photos to be a part of the killing of the 12 people yet later we found out he was in school with his school mates and teachers as witnesses imagine if the kid was sick at home watching TV what would it been for the poor kid to have been accused in a killing spree my conclusion to this mess repeated as no one in the world was killed in Syria from Chemical weapons and the snow season in other places for different reasons but this clearly False Flag operation i