عبدالله الثاني ورانيا كانا شاركا بمسيرة باريس رفضاً للإرهاب
الديوان الملكي الأردني يدين نشر رسم مسيء للرسول
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على إنستجرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -when you walk the walk you better know what are saying or doing???? in the same rally of Je suis Charlie the demonstrators showed sings that is demeaning to Islam so who ever walked with them they are OK with it when you buy a used filthy lies of deception and manipulations of calling demeaning your religion and walk with that in full eye catching display while claiming they are related falsely to the prophet they accepted to insult him in public we all saw them Good job Turkey and Morocco who send the condolences but did not walk in shame while people holding the awful sings just to have in Islam a religion that does not have holiness to humans including our prophet we revere him respect and hold him dearly in our hearts as our good example but we do not worship him we worship God not human beings no matter who they are having said that no one have any right to insult our prophet who we are not to draw his like or talk in lies or make believe claims what this couple did is brown nosing and humiliated themselves beyond repair this is not time for buyer''s remorse you made your bed now lay in it
jj -ما ناقص تعليق الا من واحدة صومالية ...
بل اخونجي مصري يا رقم2
كاشف الكذابين -وياليتها أمرأة وياليتها صومالية كما يتوهم الكثير هنا ،،،، المشكلة يا عزيزي أن هذا المعلق المختبئ خلف هذا الاسم المضحك (صومالية) هو "إخـونـجي مـصري"!!!! اسمعواها بصوت عاااااااااااال
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -question how do you know what I am or what anybody are I am Somalian women from Hargeesa and from the Isaaq clan if you don''t believe that I am so sorry I can''t help you again this Muslim brotherhood obsession made you look craaaaaazy calm down and live a little or get a life haaaaaaaaa lol I feel so sorry for your wasted efforts haaaaaaaaa lol