
فرضية الارهاب مستبعدة

مسلح يحتجز رهينتين في مركز للبريد قرب باريس

قرائنا من مستخدمي تلغرام
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال تطبيق تلغرام
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

باريس: أعلنت مصادر في الشرطة الفرنسية ان مسلحًا كان يحتجز رهينتين منذ ظهر الجمعة في مركز بريد كولومب، قرب باريس، اعتقل وتم الإفراج عن رهينتيه سالمين.
وقالت هذه المصادر ان الرهينتين لم يصابا بجروح.

واضاف احد المصادر "لم يحصل هجوم، الرجل المسلح استسلم بنفسه". وكانت اعداد كبيرة من قوات الامن بينها وحدات النخبة، انتشرت في المكان. والمسلح معروف من الشرطة لارتكابه جنحا عامة، واستبعد المحققون سريعا فرضية وجود اي رابط بين هذا الحادث والاعتداءات التي شنها جهاديون ضد مقر اسبوعية شارلي ايبدو الساخرة في باريس وضد متجر اغذية يهودي، ما اوقع 17 قتيلا في الاسبوع الماضي في العاصمة الفرنسية.

وأشارت العناصر الاولى للتحقيق الى ان الرجل دخل وحيدا الى مركز البريد حوالى الساعة 11,30 ت غ، وتمكن عدد من الاشخاص المتواجدين في الداخل من الفرار. اتصل الرجل بنفسه بالشرطة، "وقال عبارات غير مترابطة"، مدّعيًا انه مسلح ويحمل قنابل يدوية وبندقية كلاشنيكوف، وفقًا للشرطة. وأوضح مصدر انه لم تسمع اي طلقة نارية.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
فرنسا والارهاب الاسلامي
ابن وطن عراق جريح -

احد مختل عقليا اراد ان يجرب حظه العاثر ويقوم باحد ادوار الارهابيين الاسلاميين وان يحتجز الرهائن الابرياء وعلي الشرطة الفرنسية الضرب بيد من الحديد على كل مجرم طاغي ارهابي يريد تدمير الحضارة الاوروبية

فرنسا والارهاب الاسلامي
ابن وطن عراق جريح -

احد مختل عقليا اراد ان يجرب حظه العاثر ويقوم باحد ادوار الارهابيين الاسلاميين وان يحتجز الرهائن الابرياء وعلي الشرطة الفرنسية الضرب بيد من الحديد على كل مجرم طاغي ارهابي يريد تدمير الحضارة الاوروبية

فرنسا والارهاب الاسلامي
ابن وطن عراق جريح -

احد مختل عقليا اراد ان يجرب حظه العاثر ويقوم باحد ادوار الارهابيين الاسلاميين وان يحتجز الرهائن الابرياء وعلي الشرطة الفرنسية الضرب بيد من الحديد على كل مجرم طاغي ارهابي يريد تدمير الحضارة الاوروبية

العملية إنتهت
أبو شهاب -

المسلح سلم نفسه و لم يکن هناك رابط بينه و بين الإرهاب ، يقول التلفزيون الفرنسي أن الرجل لديه مشاکل نفسية و معروف لدی الشرطة

العملية إنتهت
أبو شهاب -

المسلح سلم نفسه و لم يکن هناك رابط بينه و بين الإرهاب ، يقول التلفزيون الفرنسي أن الرجل لديه مشاکل نفسية و معروف لدی الشرطة

العملية إنتهت
أبو شهاب -

المسلح سلم نفسه و لم يکن هناك رابط بينه و بين الإرهاب ، يقول التلفزيون الفرنسي أن الرجل لديه مشاکل نفسية و معروف لدی الشرطة

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

haaaaaaaaaaaaa lol look at the Falafel sign on the store behind in the picture so many fake subliminal messages people in the west stopped believing these outlandish claims they are talking about how the coming economic melt down is coming so to get ready and steal as much money as possible the globalists need to buy time to get themselves together and are manipulated and lied to in these acts around the world Europe is going down economically so getting the Muslim boogie man will kill you all fake false flags is a hoax used now to divert these poor European on the coming situation check in the Swiss Frank and the stoppage to use the Euro soon it is almost dead and the loses that will destroy countries like Spain Portugal and Greece these economic Armageddon are coming soon so Muslims are just used to be the distraction today from what is coming again manipulation subliminal messages chaos will create NWO or Order out of Chaos this was used for long long time so check it out in the news live create fear so you keep the people in their place and make sure they obey and stop thinking so the new weapon of mass destruction is not nuclear or other actual weapons it is get this " CRITICAL FREE THINKING" that is the biggest fear to the globalists they are weak when you know about them they are done finished once they are not in control so here we go

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

haaaaaaaaaaaaa lol look at the Falafel sign on the store behind in the picture so many fake subliminal messages people in the west stopped believing these outlandish claims they are talking about how the coming economic melt down is coming so to get ready and steal as much money as possible the globalists need to buy time to get themselves together and are manipulated and lied to in these acts around the world Europe is going down economically so getting the Muslim boogie man will kill you all fake false flags is a hoax used now to divert these poor European on the coming situation check in the Swiss Frank and the stoppage to use the Euro soon it is almost dead and the loses that will destroy countries like Spain Portugal and Greece these economic Armageddon are coming soon so Muslims are just used to be the distraction today from what is coming again manipulation subliminal messages chaos will create NWO or Order out of Chaos this was used for long long time so check it out in the news live create fear so you keep the people in their place and make sure they obey and stop thinking so the new weapon of mass destruction is not nuclear or other actual weapons it is get this " CRITICAL FREE THINKING" that is the biggest fear to the globalists they are weak when you know about them they are done finished once they are not in control so here we go

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

haaaaaaaaaaaaa lol look at the Falafel sign on the store behind in the picture so many fake subliminal messages people in the west stopped believing these outlandish claims they are talking about how the coming economic melt down is coming so to get ready and steal as much money as possible the globalists need to buy time to get themselves together and are manipulated and lied to in these acts around the world Europe is going down economically so getting the Muslim boogie man will kill you all fake false flags is a hoax used now to divert these poor European on the coming situation check in the Swiss Frank and the stoppage to use the Euro soon it is almost dead and the loses that will destroy countries like Spain Portugal and Greece these economic Armageddon are coming soon so Muslims are just used to be the distraction today from what is coming again manipulation subliminal messages chaos will create NWO or Order out of Chaos this was used for long long time so check it out in the news live create fear so you keep the people in their place and make sure they obey and stop thinking so the new weapon of mass destruction is not nuclear or other actual weapons it is get this " CRITICAL FREE THINKING" that is the biggest fear to the globalists they are weak when you know about them they are done finished once they are not in control so here we go

FYI King Falafel Palace
adel, Paris -

is a Jewish restaurant

FYI King Falafel Palace
adel, Paris -

is a Jewish restaurant

FYI King Falafel Palace
adel, Paris -

is a Jewish restaurant

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

nice try are the owners are from the Rothschild family or some 33 degrees Freemason sucker in the Grand Orient de France lodge who wants badly to social climb their way up to no where I guess I am clear out of chaos comes order"Ordo Ab Chao" FYI haaaaaaaa lol also I meant Swiss Francs not franks frankly sorry for my error again all these false news events are nothing but farce or hoax as the late Aaron Russo check his interview with Alex Jones great stuff Aaron Russo is a Jew but he is human and a man with honor and strong moral conviction and loved America and justice for his fellow citizens and the world your religion makes you a better person but does not forge you to someone you are not if you have crime love in you no religion will ever fix you that it is all from within not magic or miracles

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

nice try are the owners are from the Rothschild family or some 33 degrees Freemason sucker in the Grand Orient de France lodge who wants badly to social climb their way up to no where I guess I am clear out of chaos comes order"Ordo Ab Chao" FYI haaaaaaaa lol also I meant Swiss Francs not franks frankly sorry for my error again all these false news events are nothing but farce or hoax as the late Aaron Russo check his interview with Alex Jones great stuff Aaron Russo is a Jew but he is human and a man with honor and strong moral conviction and loved America and justice for his fellow citizens and the world your religion makes you a better person but does not forge you to someone you are not if you have crime love in you no religion will ever fix you that it is all from within not magic or miracles

Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -

nice try are the owners are from the Rothschild family or some 33 degrees Freemason sucker in the Grand Orient de France lodge who wants badly to social climb their way up to no where I guess I am clear out of chaos comes order"Ordo Ab Chao" FYI haaaaaaaa lol also I meant Swiss Francs not franks frankly sorry for my error again all these false news events are nothing but farce or hoax as the late Aaron Russo check his interview with Alex Jones great stuff Aaron Russo is a Jew but he is human and a man with honor and strong moral conviction and loved America and justice for his fellow citizens and the world your religion makes you a better person but does not forge you to someone you are not if you have crime love in you no religion will ever fix you that it is all from within not magic or miracles