
A partnership allowing the broadcast of high-end visual content

Elaph and BBC: a Knowledge-Based Cooperation

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يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

Samar Abdul Malak

Elaph and BBC world service signed an agreement, giving Elaph the right to broadcast visual content produced by BBC Arabic.

New media has raised visual content to a high position ahead of other modules. Filming with just a video cam or with mobile phone and exchanging rushes across social networking platforms became an extremely easy task, playing a dynamic role in the news industry.

Visual content is easier to exchange, so it is swiftly substituting televised news. Anyone with a smart phone and internet access can watch online any visual content as fast as it is posted on news sites and social-page applications. Elaph is partnering with the british broadcasting corporation (bbc​ world service​), to give its readers access to the visual content produced by bbc arabic, linking the arab world reaching for knowledge and bbc, one of the most important knowledge content and news producers in the world.

This agreement has far-reaching prospects, and open boundless cooperation widows between the two well-established cyber-news providers, with high reach. BBC is well-known for professionalism, seriousness in questioning issues, depth of analysis, wide correspondents' network around the world, aptitude to collect information from its first sources, and inspiring modern technology well-estimated to produce better visual content. the agreement provides el​aph​ readers with full access to all these features, and enables Elaph to embed visual content, produced by&BBC arabic, within its website. it enriches Elaph library, offering readers richer content.

Technically, the agreement provides Elaph with the atom xml feed of video clips from the BBC website, and associated metadata, containing approximately 120 video clips per month, and embedding the BBCc audio-visual player on the licensee platform, and video clips from the video feed in to such&BBC audio-visual player.

By the signature of this agreement, the visual content addresses more major topics combining two great worlds: the Arab world and great Britain.




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