
مفتي الديار المصرية يعتبر منع المآذن في سويسرا إهانة

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دعوة للهدوء في سويسرا عقب استفتاء حظر المآذن

السويسريون يؤيدون حظر بناء المآذن

انتقد مفتي الديار المصرية علي جمعة نتيجة الاستفتاء في سويسرا الذي منع بناء المآذن في البلاد، معتبرا ان هذه النتيجة "اهانة" للمسلمين في كل انحاء العالم.

القاهرة: قال مفتي الديار المصرية علي جمعة لوكالة انباء الشرق الاوسط المصرية ان "نتيجة الاستفتاء ... ليست اساءة طفيفة للحرية الدينية، انها ايضا اهانة لمشاعر الطائفة الاسلامية في سويسرا وسواها" لكنه وجه نداء الى اخوانه المسلمين طالبا منهم الا يتأثروا بهذا المنع. ومفتي الديار المصرية هو المكلف رسميا من الحكومة المصرية تفسير الشريعة الاسلامية.

وذكرت وكالة انباء الشرق الاوسط ان مفتي الديار المصرية شجع ايضا ال 400 الف مسلم الذين يعيشون في سويسرا على "الحوار" مع السلطات السويسرية، واستخدام الوسائل القانونية للاحتجاج على نتيجة الاستفتاء الذي منع ب 57,5% من الاصوات بناء المآذن على الاراضي السويسرية.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
fadi -

We live in switzerland since long time ago and we sufferd a lot here because we are arabs and muslims and what we noticed here that not only the people also the goverment are leading the war against muslims

suzzy -

TO #1, IF YOU think that you have sufferd a lot in switzerland , THAN GOOOOOOO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY, the people of switzerland DON''T NEED YOU THERE, GO BACK , GO BACK, GO BACK, GO BACK

suzzy -

TO #1, IF YOU think that you have sufferd a lot in switzerland , THAN GOOOOOOO BACK TO YOUR COUNTRY, the people of switzerland DON''T NEED YOU THERE, GO BACK , GO BACK, GO BACK, GO BACK

To # 1
Iraqi American -

When Islamic countries allow full freedom of religion for other faiths, and when Saudi Arabia allows the building of churches, synagogues Buddhist temples...etc.then you should ask about buiding ma''adhin in Switzerland.

to suzzy

WHY do u hate the reality thats the truth and i will go back to my country first when the people like you will leave lebanon and when the jewisch and their supporters leave phalastein

لماذا يحتج الشيخ
سعيد للقرار -

خلي اذا بدو المساواة الدينية يسمح ببناء الكنائس على الاراضي المصرية اول شي تحياتي للعقل مع رفضي للغباء

to suzzy

WHY do u hate the reality thats the truth and i will go back to my country first when the people like you will leave lebanon and when the jewisch and their supporters leave phalastein

human right, Right
ArabianinDC -

what about all the muslim clergists, they make the law in the arab and the muslim word. Islam is a state, and if the muslims want to keep it that way, then they can''t live with anyother group in any nation or society. when Muslims are weak in Europe they are the dove of peace, but when they start feeling strong, they start destruction and ask for isalmic law, islaic state adn there right under the host country law. in Rome do as the Roman do or get out of here.

Islam and Swiss
Salem -

I think the Muslims they should look at this situation, And ask them selves why it happen only to them not to any other Religion.For once you have to be fair and dont just go to other Country and try to make it to accomedate you instead you fit in this Country

human right, Right
ArabianinDC -

what about all the muslim clergists, they make the law in the arab and the muslim word. Islam is a state, and if the muslims want to keep it that way, then they can''t live with anyother group in any nation or society. when Muslims are weak in Europe they are the dove of peace, but when they start feeling strong, they start destruction and ask for isalmic law, islaic state adn there right under the host country law. in Rome do as the Roman do or get out of here.