لها مصالح استراتيجية بأمن الشرق الأوسط وشمال أفريقيا
روسيا تشارك في تحالف ضد "داعش" في ليبيا
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك
حزين -لما يحصل
QATARI --monitor -كل من عبق بما يحصل من الدواعش في الشام والعراق والفوضى والاقتتال الديني والمجوعات المشعوذه ودجاليهم في وليبيا واليمن والصومال --لا اعرف –لماذا ابتلت امتنا العربية بهؤلاء -(القاعدة-داعش- السلفية التكفيريةوغيرهم)—كيف حصل كل هذا ونحن بالقرن 21 شيء لايصدق—حركات التنويير والنهوض بالمشروع الحضاري العربي بدأ من القرن التاسع عشر بمصر ثم بالدول العربية الاخرى تباعا–الان نكسة انسانية وثقافية رهيبة لابد من الحل السريع—-او نهاية لهذه الامة –
Knowledge is power
صومالية مترصدة وبفخر-USA -strange Russian will do whatever not to touch Syria but will do whatever to have war in Libya that is what I always said forget about the excuses like Taliban or ISIS these are manufactured groups by spy agencies to get at middle eastern countries while the masses don''t know when what how where or how their countries ended up in wars doesn''t matter the only important thing is that WAR equals MONEY I heard the owner of Fox News Rupert Murdoch is one of the investors in digging for oil in the Golan Heights that is why in his news you will see an extra happiness to invade Syria like it''s a carnival waiting to happen why not?? he will make millions if that goes on the western media have the agendas of its owner that is why to get real news you have to look for independent media often online example Freeradiorevolution or Infowars.com or The Truth about by Stefan Molyneux or whatever sources you dig for the news and then research it in other sites just to make sure it is original or have merits the news today is the most easy thing to get if you work harder and look deeper there is no longer a microwave news you make effort to look for it how it went down not how they want you to see it or how they made up something fictional and want to pass it to you as facts then you will be and stay a sheeple "sheep peoople" Oh right