
من أكثر الوجهات السياحية طلبًا على غوغل

دبي بين أكثر 10 مدن عالمية شعبية في 2014

قراؤنا من مستخدمي تويتر
يمكنكم الآن متابعة آخر الأخبار مجاناً من خلال حسابنا على تويتر
إضغط هنا للإشتراك

حلت دبي بين المدن العشر الأولى الأكثر شعبية في العالم، إذ كانت بين أكثر الوجهات السياحية طلبًا على محرك بحث غوغل في العام 2014.

دبي:&صنفت صحيفة إندبندنت البريطانية دبي على قائمة المدن العشر الأولى الأكثر شعبية في العالم، خلال العام 2014. وقد تبوّأت دبي هذه المكانة مستحوذة على قسط وافر من عمليات البحث عن أكثر الوجهات الصاعدة طلبًا للعطلات في غوغل، لتحل في المركز التاسع متقدمة على أمستردام.

بين أول عشر مدن

وكانت إندبندنت نشرت قائمتها الثلاثاء، فحلت فيها باريس بالمركز الأول، والولايات المتحدة في المركز الثاني كدولة، ثم نيويورك، فاستراليا، فإسبانيا، فكورنوال، فإيطاليا، فتركيا.

وفي صعيد متميز آخر، أشارت مجلة فوربس إلى عادة دبي في حصد الألقاب والأرقام القياسية، مشيرة إلى أن فندقًا كفندق فور سيزونز على شاطئ جميرا حريص على التميز حرص دبي عليه. ونقلت فوربس عن زائرة للفندق قولها: "أنه مميّز بكل ما فيه، وتميّزه بدأ منذ اختيار أحد أفضل الأماكن في دبي وهو شاطئ جميرا".

وتطل غرف الفندق، وعددها 237 ، على خط أفق دبي، بما فيه من معالم بارزة خاصة برج خليفة أو على الشاطئ الأزرق الصافي.

عاصمة ثقافية

على صعيد موازٍ، إختارت شبكة سي أن أن الأميركية مدينة أبوظبي بين أفضل الوجهات للزيارة في 2015 فاحتلت المركز العاشر. وقالت إن دبي تفوقت في روائع الحدائق الترفيهية، فيما اتخذت أبوظبي مسارًا مختلفًا، لتصبح عاصمة ثقافية للمنطقة.

وبحسب سي أن أن، في قلب مدينة أبوظبي تقع منطقة جزيرة السعديات الثقافية الممتدة على مساحة 24 ألف متر مربع، وتحتضن المنطقة أول متحف للوفر خارج باريس نهاية العام القادم، ومتحف غوغنهايم أبوظبي، ومتحف زايد الوطني في 2016.


جميع التعليقات المنشورة تعبر عن رأي كتّابها ولا تعبر بالضرورة عن رأي إيلاف
ابو نزار -

ملينا من هذي الدعايات كل كم يوم مقال يمدح بدبي

ابو نزار -

ملينا من هذي الدعايات كل كم يوم مقال يمدح بدبي

الى الرد رقم واحد
مثقال العزازي -

يا سبحان الله يا اخي كل الدمار والقتل والفساد السائد في عالمنا العربي ما ضايقك , وكثير ضايقك اخبار دبي والامارات اللي تشرف و تسعد كل عربي !

الى الرد رقم واحد
مثقال العزازي -

يا سبحان الله يا اخي كل الدمار والقتل والفساد السائد في عالمنا العربي ما ضايقك , وكثير ضايقك اخبار دبي والامارات اللي تشرف و تسعد كل عربي !

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 01
Joelle -

Delivery delivery. Have ANYTHING delivered (at any hour, night or day). That’s right – anything (even 4 Dhs. Ice cube or 2 Dhs table salt) no problem! Almost every residential building have got grocery stores nearby and delivery boys are at your service to deliver what you need.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 01
Joelle -

Delivery delivery. Have ANYTHING delivered (at any hour, night or day). That’s right – anything (even 4 Dhs. Ice cube or 2 Dhs table salt) no problem! Almost every residential building have got grocery stores nearby and delivery boys are at your service to deliver what you need.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 02
Joelle -

Shop ‘till you DROP. Malls in Dubai open until 10pm on weekdays and ‘till mid-night during weekends. On special occasions like RAMADAN or public holidays, shopping hours are extended until 1am. Where else can you shop this long? Dubai is the shopaholics paradise.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 02
Joelle -

Shop ‘till you DROP. Malls in Dubai open until 10pm on weekdays and ‘till mid-night during weekends. On special occasions like RAMADAN or public holidays, shopping hours are extended until 1am. Where else can you shop this long? Dubai is the shopaholics paradise.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 03
Joelle -

Women first. Ladies are given special and preferential treatment to get through all kinds of queues in Dubai. We are served first, provided our own lines at airports and in government buildings. Exclusive ‘ladies only’ compartments in the metro (train), ladies only beach, ladies only gym, and even Ladies only days at water-parks.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 03
Joelle -

Women first. Ladies are given special and preferential treatment to get through all kinds of queues in Dubai. We are served first, provided our own lines at airports and in government buildings. Exclusive ‘ladies only’ compartments in the metro (train), ladies only beach, ladies only gym, and even Ladies only days at water-parks.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 04
Joelle -

Ease of Travel. Because Dubai is so central- close to Europe and close to Asia, traveling is so much more accessible. I personally have traveled the most living in Dubai.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 04
Joelle -

Ease of Travel. Because Dubai is so central- close to Europe and close to Asia, traveling is so much more accessible. I personally have traveled the most living in Dubai.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 05
Joelle -

Talking about cars, another one I love about Dubai is the fun and excitement of driving. Nothing compares with the thrill of navigating a 6-lane wide highway at max speeds between 120-140 KPH (& believe me, many others go way beyond the 140 mark if not for the radars scattered almost everywhere). Speeding, an accepted UAE sport, is mandatory or you face being run down.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 05
Joelle -

Talking about cars, another one I love about Dubai is the fun and excitement of driving. Nothing compares with the thrill of navigating a 6-lane wide highway at max speeds between 120-140 KPH (& believe me, many others go way beyond the 140 mark if not for the radars scattered almost everywhere). Speeding, an accepted UAE sport, is mandatory or you face being run down.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 06
Joelle -

Hot wheels. If you’re one of them crazy about beautiful and expensive cars, you’ll be happy to see so much of these in Dubai. Porsche, Benz, Jaguar, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Hummer … you name it! And they’re not just in the showroom but next to you in the streets and mall parking.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 06
Joelle -

Hot wheels. If you’re one of them crazy about beautiful and expensive cars, you’ll be happy to see so much of these in Dubai. Porsche, Benz, Jaguar, Audi, Bentley, Ferrari, Hummer … you name it! And they’re not just in the showroom but next to you in the streets and mall parking.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 07
Joelle -

Cosmopolitan diversity. Step in Dubai and you’re like meeting the whole world in one place. Stroll the streets, hop in the bus / metro and you can hear Arabic, English, Urdu, Hindi, Tagalog, Tamil, Sinhalese, French, Italian, German, Russian, and more I have not heard before. It’s simply amazing to observe the differences of culture (the Arab “nose bump” greeting among men; Filipina kabayans love of taking pictures; Pakistani men holding hands as a sign of friendship; the Indian “head-shake” meaning “no problem / yes”) in the number of nationalities Dubai hosts.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 07
Joelle -

Cosmopolitan diversity. Step in Dubai and you’re like meeting the whole world in one place. Stroll the streets, hop in the bus / metro and you can hear Arabic, English, Urdu, Hindi, Tagalog, Tamil, Sinhalese, French, Italian, German, Russian, and more I have not heard before. It’s simply amazing to observe the differences of culture (the Arab “nose bump” greeting among men; Filipina kabayans love of taking pictures; Pakistani men holding hands as a sign of friendship; the Indian “head-shake” meaning “no problem / yes”) in the number of nationalities Dubai hosts.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 08
Joelle -

Open Beach. The sand and sea are just minutes away from the city and many of them are free or you can pay a small amount if you prefer a bit of privacy

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 08
Joelle -

Open Beach. The sand and sea are just minutes away from the city and many of them are free or you can pay a small amount if you prefer a bit of privacy

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 09
Joelle -

Winter in Dubai. Around end October to beginning of November, this is when Dubai weather changes from extremely hot humid to nice and cool – temperatures drop from 33C to 20C during this time. December-January is the peak of winter when temperature could drop to 15C during the daytime. The weather during winter is the most beautiful in the world- not too cold, not hot – just perfect.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 09
Joelle -

Winter in Dubai. Around end October to beginning of November, this is when Dubai weather changes from extremely hot humid to nice and cool – temperatures drop from 33C to 20C during this time. December-January is the peak of winter when temperature could drop to 15C during the daytime. The weather during winter is the most beautiful in the world- not too cold, not hot – just perfect.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 10
Joelle -

Clean & Green. Dubai has magically turned a previously dry desert into a green haven with beautifully manicured parks, sidewalks and highways. The government’s landscape department is certainly doing a great job. I specially admire to have seen the streets & bridges cleaned in the wee hours of the morning.

My 10 Reasons of Loving Dubai 10
Joelle -

Clean & Green. Dubai has magically turned a previously dry desert into a green haven with beautifully manicured parks, sidewalks and highways. The government’s landscape department is certainly doing a great job. I specially admire to have seen the streets & bridges cleaned in the wee hours of the morning.

wael -


wael -